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Vista - Confessions of a beta tester


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This is just to let you all know were Vista is at. I'm a Vista beta tester. I have tested Vista 32bit and 64bit versions. Both Beta 1 and Beta 2. As well the latest release (build 5270) Which is a CTP (Community Technology Preview ) release and not of beta quality. It is more like a snapshot of features to come. And are very unstable. They are released only to test certan features. I think going forward that is what microsoft will do just release CTP's. Maybe a final bring it all together beta release, but I don't think so. And I do not think there well be any CR's like with XP64. As of now the 32bit version is far better and more stable then the 64bit version. As to upgrade path...none so far. But I am a firm believer in the clean install approach anyway's. So youi have plenty of time to back up your data, partition your harddrive for a data partition, or buy a data only harddrive. That is what I know so far. Vista has a way's to go, and it is looking like microsoft will be releasing only CTP builds to us beta testers. Still has a lot of bugs and a long way to go. So to speculate now on what will be Vista when released is fruitless.

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though the 5270 ctp is mainly to show off features like you say i have found it to be far more stable than all previous builds. Been running strong for about a month now i guess and i have yet to have s single problem. This is with the 32bit version of course.

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