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Which 2GB kit for DFI nF4 Ultra-D?


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Can anyone recommend any of these 2GB kits?


I want to order in the next couple of days, but just can't decide.


Corsair 2GB DDR XMS4000PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS3 - £158.57


G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 (2x1GB) CAS3 Dual Channel Kit - £146.82 OR G.Skill 2GB DDR ZX PC3200 (2x1GB) CAS2 Dual Channel Kit - £152.69


As you can see, I'm torn between two G.Skill options. Should I go for low timings and use a divider, or settle for high clocks with slacker timings? Tough one, because I can't find any agreement on forums as to which is the best option.


I was going to get Crucial Ballistix, but that's had major problems. I was thinking about the OCZ EB Platinum, but nowhere seems to have it in stock and it's quite pricey anyway.


Any other options out there?



SORRY, I should've put this in Recommendations and Hot Deals section. Can a mod/admin move it please?

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I'd go with the HZ GSkills. People are hitting 260-270 easy and some up to 300. There are a few threads on this RAM in the OC section. Rock on.

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I had problems with the G.skill going above 250 even after trying everyone's settings I could find on the internet. So I returned them to NewEgg and bought the OCZ Gold kit in my sig and am having great luck with them. 3-4-3-8 timings, 270 @ 2.8. Haven't tried for lower volts with the RAM at this speed but it would probably do it and I haven't tried pushing it any higher because my CPU gets a little toasty at anything but stock volts. (Bad HS mounting on my part, but I'll have an SI-120 tomorrow so I'm holding out for that.)

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After MUCH reading I went with the G.Skill BHZ's myself. Just got them today but the other half of my order isnt here yet. I myself will be OC'ing and they seemed like the best bang for the buck.

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