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unstable overclocking.....need advise


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disabled pcix lan....pci clock

disabled performance mode


reboot when ever load 3dmark05

test only cpu


fsb 260mhz

pcix 130mhz

memory ddr2 400mhz 1:1 i think?

1.5v vcore

2.0v memory

1.7v nbv


any help would be appreciate

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the 915 and 925 are very similar. not exactly the same, so you'll have to figure out the differences yourself.


i think your pcix is too high. mine likes it around 115, or you could choose auto if in doubt.


ddr2 doesn't need 2 volts at speed- i'd try 1.9, maybe 1.8. probably need to loosen your timings as well. disable any performance mode i.e. normal, turbo, to disabled. instead of 3,3,3,8 try 3,4,4,8 or 4,4,4,9 you get the idea.


nb should be fine at 1.6, 1.7 seems a bit much to me.


i'd try each of these things 1 at a time- if that doesn't work, then load optimized defaults and start completely over. each increment has to be done 1 at a time- and tested thoroughly, or you'll lose track of what's working and what's not.


like i said- your results may be different than mine- but if i set those voltages on my 925 it probably wouldn't even post. that's half the fun of oc'ing- seeing just how much your hardware will tolerate! good luck!

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