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SLI Aperature - where is this setting in the bios?

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Im using the latest expert bios, and I have no idea where to find this setting people are talking about when enabling SLI, does it even exist anymore cause I looked under everything in the bios and cant seem to find it..... Was it renamed to something else

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Its in the Genie BIOS section under all the cpu voltage options. I don't remember exactly what its called but it'll show something like 16-1-4-2 right now, the only other option is 8-1-1-8, or some such thing. All you have to do to enable sli is switch it.

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...I have seen the setting in my BIOS, I tried setting it once to try to solve SLI issues (which I think are related more to Nvidia having crappy drivers when it comes to X2 CPU's)...


Setting SLI aperture didn't seem to do much besides reduce ram count a little.


So what in the heck is it supposed to do, it not documented anywhere I have found?


The same goes for the DUAL NV chip card support setting (says some thing about 6600GT in the help blurb), what is this for its also totally undoucmented.

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