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Help! Help! S.O.S

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Hi all!

I'm trying to get some good overclock with this system and was trying to see how far can my new memories go. (I tested CPU alot and I think it will never go much more than 2500Mhz).

I got 2*512 Patriot xblk ram and I cant get it to run stable at more than 210-220FSB(htt) with dram frequency at 1:1 (200Mhz).

I've been reading many many stuff from ppl here and I think something it's wrong here, may be with memories.

I tried 2.5 - 3 CAS; 4TRCD; 7TRAS; TRP3 - 4 and many different timings With 2.7 2.8 2.9 voltages and cpu running at 7*multiplier to not interfer.

Sata 3&4

Ldt - 3*


Do you think it's my crappy PSU causing instability? or maybe something i'm missing.

I really want help! and sorry if I cant explain things better cause I usually dont talk english.

Thanks in advance!


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Your memory should be in slots 1 and 3.


First thing is to test each module individually to make sure it is not a weak stick dragging you down. Use the slot closest to the CPU and try these timings: I will list them in the same order you will find them in the bios.

















Decrease Skew


Level 1



064 cycles



Disable 6 bursts


These settings are a little on the loose side but they will get you up to some good speed if in fact that is TCCD

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Your memory should be in slots 1 and 3.


First thing is to test each module individually to make sure it is not a weak stick dragging you down. Use the slot closest to the CPU and try these timings: I will list them in the same order you will find them in the bios.

















Decrease Skew


Level 1



064 cycles



Disable 6 bursts


These settings are a little on the loose side but they will get you up to some good speed if in fact that is TCCD


Is there a specific reason for placing the memories in slot 1 & 3 ?

I have 2 (1gb) corsair twinx 2048-4000 pt (500 mhz) modules should these also be placed in slot 1&3 ?, i have them now in 1&2.....

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Tested it with that settings at 250htt Tested with dram drive strength at 2 - 3 - 4 (no improvement in stability) and prime gave me an error in the first minute.

"FATAL ERROR: rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4 hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.

Torture test ran 0 minutes - 1 errors, 0 warnings.

Execution halted.

I forgot to mention that I tested my RAM with memtest for about 11 hours with 0 errors. (did this in the day I bought it cause I once had a bad stick of memory giving me bsods and took me about 2 or 3 months to find that the ram was culprit).

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I forgot to mention that I changed memory slots 1&2 to 2&3.

What can I do? RMA with the patriot? but memories are apparently in good health.

Overclock is really hard work LMAO! but I will not stop until I have my memories at a decent speed like all other tccd memories.

waiting for u guys help one more time. I need more tweaks. Thanks.

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How much voltage you pushin into the CPU? Is your cooling solution good enough? How hot is the cpu while prime testing? ....... Many other factors at play here. You simply cannot blame a component with so many unknown factors. I personally think from my experience that the 5/4 bios would be a better bios in your case. It seems to work better for the 130 naometer process cores than the 6/23. Something to do with the PWM IC control routine difference. The 6/23 bios was written for E-6 90 nanometer process cpu's it seems to have a faster response lower amperage output to the cpu than the 5/4 bios does.

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Don't give up on that memory, I have been running PDP XBLT memory for the last two years and have had zero problems, here are some settings I am currently using, this is on divider 166 do to the high fsb I am currently running.

NF3 250Gb (754) - I really like this board





I've been using the A64 tweaker to optimize memory settings, the program for me is a great way of learning how different settings affect memory read, write and latency, after optimizing the settings with A64 I then go into the bios and enter these settings. Current Memory Timings@256mhz

CAS Latency (CL) 2.5T

RAS To CAS Delay (tRCD) 3T

RAS Precharge (tRP) 3T

RAS Active Time (tRAS) 7T

Row Cycle Time (tRC) 10T

Row Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC) 12T

Command Rate (CR) 1T

RAS To RAS Delay (tRRD) 2T

Write Recovery Time (tWR) 2T

Read To Write Delay (tRTW) 2T

Write To Read Delay (tWTR) 1T

Write CAS Latency (tWCL) 1T

DQS Skew Control Disabled

DRAM Drive Strength Normal

DRAM Data Drive Strength 4 (No Reduction)

Max Async Latency 9 ns

Read Preamble Time 6.0 ns

Idle Cycle Limit 16

Dynamic Idle Cycle Counter Enabled

Read/Write Queue Bypass 8

Bypass Max 4

32-byte Granularity Disabled

memory Slots:

DRAM Slot #1 512 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)

DRAM Slot #2 512 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)


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