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Using RM Clock for CPU power management


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I've wanted to lower the frequency of my OC CPU when it was idle. So, I searched the internet and found this program call RightMark CPU Clock Utility. It solve some of the problems that appears with AMD Cool`n'Quiet[you can control, under windows, the max values for CPU FSB clock multiplier(FID) and requested voltage level(VID)].

One thing that I've noticed was that you must use this settings in BIOS: CPU VID Control and CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio to Auto(this means that when you boot you get max of both).

For my Venice the VID are betwen 1.1 and 1.45v and the FID are betwen 5 and 10.

In my case, at booting, when using VID to Auto, the actual value is 1.4v

So, for me (I was using 10X260 and 1.325v*123%) the only problem was to find a value of voltage close to what I was using.

1.45*113% do the trick.

Now, at booting I have 1.4*113% and after windows was loaded I've set the max values to FID 10 and VID 1.425v (260X10=2600MHz; 1.425*113%=1.61v) and minimum to FID 4 and VID 1.1v (260X4=1040; 1.1*113%=1.24v). And is working.

Here are 2 screenshots



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