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PC won't start at all - DFI and Thermaltake 680W

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OK, found my way to this forum in hopes of some answers :)


Thing is, my PC just won't start! And I'm pretty sure all parts are working. I recently bought a new compter in parts, and built it. It would't start at all, I thought the PSU (thermaltake 680W) might be defective. I tried all sorts of things, switching RAM, triple-checking all connections, starting with only with the essentials connected. But it still refused to start, until i tried my old PSU (a Thermaltake 460W) It started immediately with this PSU, so assumed the 680W was broke, and sent it back to get a new one. I just got the new one today, put it together, but it still won't start! So I'm totally at a loss as to what might be wrong...


Now i know that my new 680W PSU is not defective, because I tried it on my old PC (Abit NF7-S, AMD 2500+, radeon 9800pro), and it started immediately, with no problems.. so whatever is wrong, it must be something with the DFI mainboard and the Thermaltake PSU, right? :confused:


There is one thing.. there are two LED lights that light up when i switch on the PSU (thermaltake 680W), the DRAM led (which the manual says will light when the system's power is on) and the Standby Power LED (which will light when the system's in standby mode) Now.. these two lights are lit when i switch on the 680W PSU, but NOT when i swich on the 460W PSU, which works! So I thought this might have something to do with it... but I have no idea what :confused


A friend of mine once had some trouble with his mainboard being "allergic" to his PSU, it wouldn't work.. Are there any known problems with DFI mainboards and Thermaltake power supplys? Is there anything I can do to fix this?


I would really appreciate some answers to this lenghty post :nod:


Thanks in advance!



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OK! Thanks for that link! I see now that a Thermaltake just doesn't cut it... Too bad :rolleyes:


I'll just have to send it back and get a new one again. I read through the thread you posted culinist.


I was thinking of a Tagan 580W 2force TG580-U22 or a Seasonic S12 600W. Any reccomendations? I would prefer something without lights on the fans, like the OCZ's have :P

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