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A64 Multiplier?


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Hi, I have a AMD 64 3000+ venice core, so 200x9. Using my motherboard Lanparty UT NF4 Ultra-D with the 6/25/05 bios, is there a way that I can change the multiplier for different OC's? Is this even desirable? I was running 300x9 stable in prime95 with my dram settings set to 1/2, and I wasnt able to raise them very far from there and run stable, I thought perhaps if I could raise the multiplier higher, and not have to push the FSB so high, I might be able to get better timings out of my ram, when you push voltage at it, it gets quick. Just an idea popping into my head after my first full day of trying to oc my new rig.

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i dont think so... if you had read the stickies at the overclocking section .. you will see that in your bios the highest multiplier is 9x... so you got .... my memory is failing me.. i think theres 2x to 9x only in 3000+ if you want higher multi you either gotta:

get 3200?( i think it has a 10xmulti)

buy the fx series(fx-57 is good enough) ... it is ' unlocked'

:shake: 'mod' your chip :shake:

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ok, that is what i had thought I had read, but I wasnt 100% sure that was the case, thought someone else might have a simple solution, bios mod or something, but oh well.


@calvin: 'mod' my chip? is that possible, will it work or are you just making with teh funnay?

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@calvin: 'mod' my chip? is that possible, will it work or are you just making with teh funnay?


Some of the lower Venice models are moddable to either a higher multi, or just unlockable in general. You can do a google search on it, I don't think that many people do it anymore-or maybe the newer ones you just can't.

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