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Hi everyone. I have pretty much decided to buy the DFI Lan Party UT Expert, instead of the Asus A8N32 Sli deluxe. I did this because I am real unsure about the marketing claims and quality of the Asus. My Asus Premium gave me alot of headaches so I am worried. the only reason I wanted the A8N32 was because it was suppossed to offer extra support for my ram, and is can take dual core X2 without tinkering.Anyway could someone please awnser my questions about this board...


1. Although we all know that the DFI board is the best Overclocker, how is the default settings? Will I get as good as performance out of the box, compared to the Asus , or is it possible that I may get better , if you take into account my kit.


2. Another thing I have heard people say is that the expert board cause problems when you switch it off and that you have to pull out the power lead and put it back in before you can reboot. Is this right?


3. How good is the cooling on this board. Can I expect a cooler board that the silent, passive Asus? What king of temps can I expect?


4.I also heard that the expert board has a problem displaying it's correct temps. Is there any truth to this?


5. What color ram lanes should I place my ram sticks, and will they run at their stock timings , speed automatically? ie the Corsair 2Gb TwinX XMS3500LL Pro 438mhz 2-3-2-6-1T. If not will it be easy to correct it?


6. Is there anything I should bear in mind when building and setting up, that would be different to what an Asus board would want (Its what I am used to).


7. Can I just use the default settings, with the minimum amount of tinkering and still expect the better performance that this board is supposed to give?


Some of thse questions may not be worded entirley correctly, but I hope people will understand what I mean and try and awnser them. Thank you for reading.

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1) Yes it works good even on stock settings.


2) On some Expert boards, yes. I have this problem with my Expert as well.


3) The temps would be probably the same with the Asus board.


4) Some of the Expert boards has incorrect temp probes. Mine has this problem as well :nod:


5) It is best to run the ram on the orange slots, I tried it with yellow slots but didn't notice any differecnce. Anyway, just put it on the orange slots since that is what DFI recommends.


6) Yes. Follow the build guide here: Click me!


7) It will work nicely on stock, but better set your ram timings manually and set the ram voltage to 2.7 or 2.8 since some of the expert users here had issues when its on stock vdimm of 2.6

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