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How much vcore is still ok

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Hi Forum

First of all I want to say thx to the work done here, without the DFI-oc guidance i would have never tryed to...


Assembled my rig on monday, since then I followed the OC Guidline for AMD 64. Till now the 3000+ runs at 2655(9*295)@1,664V(Everest).Bios setting is 1.45(CPU vid control) * 116,8%(CPU vid specil control)= 1.6936V, everset reads 1.664V. CPU temp is at 39°C (Everest) at daytime when the sun is warming the room ;) Temp is at 37°C in the evening.. . Prime custom runs for about 1 h, blend for about 3h. Question is, can I still uppen the voltage with this temps, or do I have to lower the FSB? 1,65V max are recommended, how far can I push the venice watercooled ?

Ram runs with 2/03(133), 2-3-3-6. Cpu-z reads 190 mhz, so the ram is running below its specifications, or should be, at least...



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This voltage issue has been talked a lot in here.. from what I have seen, there are mixed idea about this.. some say running more than 1.6 24/7 is not good.. some say as long as your temps are fine thats ok.. there are guys who go as far as 1.8v because that lets them oc a lot.. some say 1.5v for air cooled and 1.6v for water cooled.. some say voltages above 1.6 or so will bring down the cpu lifetime.. somesay it only brings down the lifetime by a year or so, so it will run for 8 years taking off 10 year life span and they are never ever gonna use it for 8 years, so what the heck!

So you will get mixed ideas here.. let me tell you mine.. I will not go more than 1.55v.. I'm still at 1.5v and the extra 0.05 voltas doesnt get me that much up, so I settled with 1.5v.. i personally do not feel good running my cpu above 1.55v everyday.. but its only me..!

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