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Help. Which DFI Board?


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I need help choosing the most compatible board for my CPU + RAM (AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Venice + 2 x Corsair TWINX512-3200XL / DDR-400 XMS-3200XL).


Heres the selection.


a. DFI Lan Party LP UT NF4 ULTRA-D NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra 8-ch Audio GigaLAN SATA IEEE 1394 USB2.0


b. DFI Lan Party LP UT NF4 SLI-D nForce4 SLI 8-ch Audio GigaLAN SATA USB 2.0 IEEE 1394


c. DFI Lan Party LP UT NF4 SLI-DR EXPERT nForce4 SLI 8-ch Audio DUAL LAN SATA USB 2.0 IEEE1394


So which one would you guys recommend?




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All of them OC pretty well, the only thing to consider I think is if you decide to go SLI, which I researched a bit and its overrated. The Ultra-D can be modded to SLI, the advantage of the Expert is that it seems to be much more stable as far as OC'ing goes and the space between the PCI-E sockets are farther apart than the older boards.

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If it was me buying the board, I would go Expert, but I've had a Ultra-D for a while now and I need a new play-toy.

If I was recommending a board, I would have to say Ultra-D because I know it, I know it's good, and it's cheaper than the others.

From what I've seen, the Experts are clocking better than the Ultra-D's but the Ultra-D's have a vast knowledge base to fall back on.

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The Experts stability and much more user friendly SLI is what sets it apart from the others. I had an Ultra-D modded to SLI and no problems, loaned to a total stranger and a member here on the forum but he said he killed it, still have my SLI-DR running my X2 3800+/3500+ Newcastle, and my Expert which is running my Opty 165 (which I killed by the way) but thereplacement is at home now. So the Expert is the way to go if you want SLI, but Ultra-D for budget and still rock.

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personally i would go w/ the ultra-d. The expert looks good and all and works great for a lot of people but i've seen it mysteriously kill 3 cpus over at XS now....


of course all those could be due to user error some how i guess or some other random occurance.


If you already have a board of some kind i would say wait. Unofficially there is a new board on the way. DFI nf4 sli-dr venus or something like that. There is a thread about it over at XS. It has all aluminum caps for ur extreme overclocking pleasure

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