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Corsair Value Select + Expert = ?


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Nothing wrong with value memory, same stuff most of the time just different timings, in some case well for me anyway it makes a more stable OC, i use crucial value memory for years and the have give me less grief than the Ballistix, the only thing to avoid is a no frills brand, most value memory come with a lifetime guarantee so you have nothing to lose!


P.S you may need to change that PSU if getting DFI otherwise choose ASUS, and they love corsair memory!

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The G.skill would definitely be a better choice. Running 4x512 can give problems with any ram and using value ram is just adding to the problem. I'm not saying it can't work, but it'll probably be a pain to get anywhere with it.

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4x512 can give problems with any ram and using value ram is just adding to the problem. I'm not saying it can't work, but it'll probably be a pain to get anywhere with it.


Only on first install M8?? not when up and running surely? I never had a problem with 4X512 value or performance other than on first install setup etc!



Shane, if i was you I would read as much as you can on the forum, there are plenty of stickys on first build with Pics for you to read and then decide if its for you, 480Watts is the minimum but i would not get less than 600+ watts tbh its cheaper to be safe than sorry! :D You could get away with 450 with your setup but what you may find is people won’t help you as much if your PSU is no 480+ watts as they can’t eliminate the PSU as the possible problem if you get any problems with Ur DFI MoBo!

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