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Cold boot issues - random powering off on startup.

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Built this machine a month ago. Runs like a dream.


However, at random, it seems that when I start up the PC (cold boot), the computer turns on for about 2 seconds, then shuts off and will not start until I hit the killswitch on the back of the PSU.


I have no clue why this is happening, and find it odd because once the computer starts, it runs fine - even for hours on end and with severe CPU load. This also happens in a blue moon, so it's not something that I've been able to trace easily.

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i had this same problem and i upped my RAM voltage to 2.7 and it solved it... my friend also had the problem because he was starting his system with the cathode lights on and it wouldnt power up, he would have to wait for windows to be running stable... then turn them on


so try upping the ram voltage just .1 over reccomended, and power on with your lights off

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Thanks for the quick replies. Should I run memtest to check if the ram is stable after I up the volt (10 hours straight with no errors so far)? And is it safe to up the volt on the ram? I've had some bad experiences with past computers.

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i had the same issues as you...after 2 months...nothing i did was able to get it right.

so what i tried was instead of running 311 x 9, i went with 265 x 11...after that all is well.

i know it doesnt help ya much...just shareing my experience with you.

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