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V-Sync and Refresh Rate problems


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I'm using a no-name 17" I bought a year or two back as a replacement monitor. I'm running it at 85hz and whenever I disable v-sync I get really bad tearing in most games (far cry, quake4, fear). However, enabling v-sync usually cuts my fps by at least 10-20 frames. Is there a way I can reduce tearing through monitor options (forced refresh rates??) so that I can disable v-sync and gain the performance?

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^ application to stop the frame rate dives when having vsync on

you must make sure your computer can supply the 60hz-60fps otherwise

if say you get a 5fps drop instead of frame rates dropping to half you get




^ how too




If you're playing a game that has a framerate that routinely stays above your refresh rate, then VSync will generally be a good thing. However if it's a game that moves above and below it, then VSync can become annoying. Even worse, if the game plays at an FPS that is just below the refresh rate (say you get 65FPS most of the time on a refresh rate of 75Hz), the video card will have to settle for putting out much less FPS than it could (37.5FPS in that instance). This second example is where the percieved drop in performance comes in. It looks like VSync just killed your framerate. It did, technically, but it isn't because it's a graphically intensive operation. It's simply the way it works.


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The more I read the more I think I should try knocking my refresh to 75hz and then just crank video settings to a nice level (in fear not hard) so that I keep my fps below 75 and then just leave vsync disabled. if my fps are below my refresh rate is it usually better to tripple buffer through dxtweaker and og options and vsync or just disable it? will I still get tearing? I would test but I'm at work right now.

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Ok well I have quake4 running good but in FEAR I can't figure it out... well actually one of my memory sticks is out for RMA so I'm only running at 512 but when I do my settings I run the builtin video test and it claims my average fps is at 55 with none under 25 but when I actually play the game it runs at a nice speed with random lag spots (single player)... Is this my lack of memory? Is the builtin video test that innacurate?

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