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[Ballistix Tracer 2x512mb] Keep getting errors in test 8


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Hi guys,


This weekend i received 2x 512mb of Crucial Ballistix Tracer (matched pair). After installing I got some instability problems (blue screens and freezes). So i did a long run of memtest (about 14 hours) and used the setting bellow:


htt = 250

mult. = 10

LDT = 3x

vcore= 1.475v (overvolts a little)

vDimm= 2.8v (overvolts a little)

Timmings: 2.5-4-4-8-1T, rest set to auto


I got about 60 errors in test 8. After that I lowered the mulitplier to 8x and started memtest (only test 8). Got an error after 30 minutes. I've tried a lot of things:


Tried htt -> 200, 245, 248, 255, 260.

Tried different multipliers -> 7x, 8x, 10x

Tried vcore -> up to 1,5

Tried vDimm -> up to 2,8

Tried 2T timming


Only setting which didn't error in memtest was htt=200 @ 2-3-3-6. But I didn't test this setting extensively (approx. 30min memtest test 8), so i'm not sure it's absolutely errorfree. But I think Ballistix memory should perform better than that.

BTW my cpu ran primestable (18 hours) @ 260x10 with my previous Corsair memory. So the cpu can take htt's of 250 and above.


Does anybody have any idea what I could try to get my system to run htt= 250 1:1?

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I had the same problems with my Tracer. What solved it for me was running 2.5 3 3 8 at 3.0 volts. This would get me over 255 but 260 was a no-go and loosening timings didn't help what-so-ever. If you would like I can send over me timings after I get home from work. You will just have to fill in the blanks because I don't have all the settings in my NF3 that you have on the NF4.

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I had the same problems with my Tracer. What solved it for me was running 2.5 3 3 8 at 3.0 volts. This would get me over 255 but 260 was a no-go and loosening timings didn't help what-so-ever. If you would like I can send over me timings after I get home from work. You will just have to fill in the blanks because I don't have all the settings in my NF3 that you have on the NF4.


Thanks for your response! Can you send me the timings? Need all the help I can get. BTW how long did your ballistix last @ 3.0 v? Or are they still living?

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These work good for me at 260mhz:

FSB Bus Frequency - 260

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio - autO

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio - AUTO

PCI eXpress Frequency - 100Mhz


CPU VID StartUp Value - 1.425v


CPU VID Control - 1.425v

CPU VID Special Control - Above VID * 110%

LDT Voltage Control - 1.20v

Chip Set Voltage Control - 1.60v

DRAM Voltage Control - 2.7V


DRAM Configuration Settings:

DRAM Frequency Set - 260=RAM/FSB:1/1

Command Per Clock (CPC) - Enable

CAS Latency Control (Tcl) - 2.5

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) - 02 Bus Clocks You may need 03

Min RAS# active time (Tras) - 06 Bus Clocks You may need 07

Row precharge time (Trp) - 03 Bus Clocks

Row Cycle time (Trc) - 09 Bus Clocks If you raise tras raise this by same amount

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc) - 12 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr) - 01 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt) - 02 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref) - 2064 Cycles

Write CAS Latency (Twcl) - 01

DRAM Bank Interleave - Enabled


DQS Skew Control - Auto

DQS Skew Value - 0

DRAM Drive Strength - Auto

DRAM Data Drive Strength - auto

Max Async Latency - Auito

DRAM Response Time - normal

Read Preamble Time - Auto

IdleCycle Limit - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass - 16 x

Bypass Max - 04 x

32 Byte Granularity - Disable(4 Bursts)




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Ok, I just completed a 45 pass on test 10 with multiplier 7x. No errors. :confused: What can I make out of this?


Btw: i'm test the 3,0v @ 2,5-3-3-8 option right now...

@ lowboy: i'll give your setting a try if this fails aswell...

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I would not suggest 3v for that memory from everything I have seen it doesn't like that much, most use 2.7 some less. Above poster said it worked for him but is most unusual.


I know that, but if everything else fails...

I'm trying your setting now, cause the 3v thing didn't work. But I don't have all the mem settings you have. I just used what I had and left the rest to auto.


Since I passed memtest with the 7x multi, I could conclude that it´s maybe not a mem-issue but maybe a cpu/mobo issue. How can I test this? Is it possible that one needs to raise the vcore higher to let ram/cpu run in 1:1 compared to running with a divider?


edit: just discovered it failed aswell :sad:

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Ok, I finally got my rig stable (18hrs prime blend and 40 passes with memtest test 8). I'm now using these settings:







Timings=2.5-2-2-6-1T-rest auto

vdimm=2.8v (bios readout is 2.9v)


I'm gonna keep these settings for the time being, but i'm pretty disappointed about the results. I think the problem isn't memory-related, but more cpu/mobo related. When i'm up for a new challenge, i'll see if I can find a way to push it a little farther.


I wanna thank everybody for their assistance!! :)


BTW Since I flashed to C19 I seem to have slower boot ups (compared to 711). Does anybody share this problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I discovered what the problem is. Some Opterons have problems running mem/htt 1:1. So if you want a high OC you have to use a divider. Knowing this I tried the following:


HTT: 300 (max. is about 325)

Multi: 9x

Divider: 166


This resulted in a clockspeed of 2.7ghz and mem running @ 247 2.5-2-2-6-1T. These settings are 13 hrs prime stable and did 50 passes of memtest #8 errorfree.


One happy camper here! :D

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  • 2 months later...

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