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3700+ OC with NF4 UT-D


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Hello to everyone @ DFI forums!!!! I recently bought a LP NF4 UT-D and I've been trying to find a max OC...

Well the rig is in sig and any help is appreciated...

I'm running @ 290x10 with 1.52V (1.425+110%) the mem with a divider (150 3/4)@2.6V and the LDT x3.

Any suggestions??I would like to hit 2.95 or even 3.0GHz....

Don't we all??

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Use The Definitive Guide to Overclocking The A64. Determine the max of your CPU and Then the Max of your RAM, then read on about matching the two for max of your rig and tweaking for more. I've run through it a half dozen times and I learn a little more each time.

It doesn't sound like you've read the Guide yet.


I'm currently working on this 146 Opty. It is a slow process and it can end at any time. No one knows where the OC will end until it does and then we try everything we can to see if it will do more. What limit have you established for Vcore. Have you done Memtest to limits of you Ram and what is manufacturers stated limit on Vdimm of your Ram.


I won't put my Vcore over 1.6 and I want to set it below that level for long term.


My Vdimm limit on this RAM is 3.6 and I am on 3.5.


I haven't got the RAM and CPU tuned together yet. I have the Ram set real loose and Stable.


These are some suggestions. The guide will give you more. Good Luck.

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