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Problems installing windows/getting drives to work

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These are the parts in my computer.


G.Skill 2GB DDR ZX PC3200 (2x1GB) CAS2 Dual Channel Kit

Leadtek GeForce 7800GT Extreme Edition 256MB


Fortron BlueStorm 500W


40 GB AT Maxtor D740X-6L



Recently got new pc parts (not the hard drives) and installed it all into the case, attached the hard drives and i couldnt

get them working in dos (as in when you try to access the drives), was partitioned with some data on. Finally gave up after

trying both drives with various settings. Then booted of the XP Home CD. It said it needs to format which i did, it formatted

and it copied the files that it does, then restarts. Upon restart it goes back to the start of the xp home install. If i take

the cd out just sais invalid system disk etc..


Both drives worked fine on my old system. The cables are correctly connected. I dont know what to do and my searches on the internet

and various forums including this one have not brought up anything similar.


The drives are visible in the BIOS. I really dont know what to do next and am running out of things to try. Any help would be

greatly appreciated.

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Guest Joalaielna

go into your bios and set your drive that has windows installed on it to boot second and your CDRom to boot first. And try again.


Also enable "boot other device".

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Patched the bios and still no luck, im now getting disk read error occurred Press CTRL ALT AND DELETE to restart upon the restart in the installation process. Should i contact Maxtor, i really dont know what to do. I read the maxtor post but i tried an old Fijutsu drive and same thing happens.

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I had the exact same problem and have since resolved it. Here's what I did:


1.) Shut down and unplugged PC

2.) Unplugged all IDE cables from both the MB and the Drives

3.) Plugged only one HDD into IDE 1 using DFI's supplied IDE cable

4.) Plugged only one Optical Drive into IDE 2 using DFI's supplied IDE cable

5.) Made sure that each drive's jumper setting was set to "Master" - very important - check manual or manufacturer's web site if you have any doubts on how to set these up

6.) Plugged in PC and powered on

7.) Entered BIOS

8.) Selected Optimized Settings

9.) Disabled all SATA ports and made sure the IDE ports are enabled

10.) Set Boot Priority order to Hard Disk- CD - Disabled

11.) Hit F10 to save and exit


If it still won't boot to your Hard Disk, I would flash the BIOS using T-Mod's CD6.5 found here (I flashed to the 704-2bta version):




After you flash the BIOS, clear the CMOS for 20 minutes, and try restarting. After the CMOS has been cleared and the PC has been restarted, enter the BIOS and repeat steps #8 through #10 above.


When I rebooted, I mistakenly left the Wndows XP Installation disk in the drive. Pleasantly to my surprise, it kicked through to the XP load screen and I completed the installation. It's been running fine ever since.


I don't know what caused this to happen, but I pretty much determined that something was telling it to boot from CD instead of my Hard Drive. Could've been the BIOS, could've been a flaky IDE cable...I still don't know to this day.


Good luck and be sure and post back.

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