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SATA hard drive set up?

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I have two SATA 200GB Seagate Barracudas set up in Raid 0/ NVIDIA raid controller already.

Tomorrow I should take delivery of 2 x WD 36GB Raptors + 2 GB of G.Skill.

What would be the best way to set the 4 drives up, 2x raptors in raid 0 on the NVIDIA raid and the Seagate’s as storage on the Promise raid controller or what? Suggestions please. Also it doesn't matter about a new install of windoze as its ready for one.



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Guest Joalaielna

those 200 gigers are FAST when raided. The rapters acutally do better by themselves as apposed to the raid. my brother has 2 WD 250 SATA 150's in a raid 0 and they easily out perform the raid raptors.


the raid raptors get about 130 burst and 80 average and his got 230 burst and 100 average speed. (according to HDTach Benchmarking tool).

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