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Guest ComputerFreakXV_merged

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Guest ComputerFreakXV

I was just curious as to which bios I should load out of the box. I was assuming that I would need to update to the bios from the DFI web page, but I don't have a floppy drive so I have to use Tmod's. Which bios for my set-up would lead to the quick pain-free build process... or can only the mobo tell?


I was looking at loading the [OCZ Tony's DFI nf4 704-2bta] but isn't that spec'ed for optimized OCZ ram and will it work with my G.Skill?



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Im running the "704-2bta" and after I find my max for everything I am going to flash to the offical and see if there is any difference for us g.skill guys.


Right now im having trouble getting 300fsb, 298 seems to be my max right now at 2.5-4-4-8 but im getting there. I changed all my timings to what G.skills site has for my ram, and am primeing my pc at 301x8 (my cpu is 24hr stable at 2.5ghz on 9x, so this is no effort for the cpu), and im giong to try these voltages to see what gives me the most stable option, then going to reflash the bios and do the exact same thing:

2.7 failed 3hrs 25mins

2.73 running now




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Guest ComputerFreakXV

Do you have to load the official bios from the DFI website via floppy disk, or is it / can it be loaded on through Tmod's?

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Stay with the official bios, 623-3

Sharps - why do you recommend the 623-3 for these? Just curious...I have a set of these coming in today.

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