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BSOD's when on internet or downloading

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I got a very annoying problem. Ever since I changed to bios C19, i've been getting BSOD's when eMule was running. At first I thought eMule was the problem, but today my roommate told it also happened when he was downloading files from the internet.


Ok, from the start: about a month ago I decided to flash bios C19, because I was hearing good things about it. After flashing XP was bitching about nForce drivers. First the ethernet drivers and after that the IDE-drivers. When I wanted to remove the nForce-drivers I got a spontanious reboot. This also occurred when trying to install over them (nforce 5.11). So I tried safe-mode and that seemed to work. Everything looked ok now.


Since everything was ok, I put all my (overclocked) settings back and ran prime95 for 18 hours. No errors.


After I while (a week or so) I started up emule, which I hadn't been using since the biosflash. Emule ran overnight. When I woke up and powered up the monitor I saw, to my surprise, the infamous BSOD. At first I thought it was because of the overclock, so I ran prime again. While running prime I played games (FEAR, Swat, etc.) and ran pcmark05 and 3dmark05. System running smooth with no errors.

But when emule was running: BSOD's.


What I tried and didn't help:

- Used the original IDE driver from XP (emule was running on my IDE-drive)

- Installed emule on one of my sata disks

- Flashed back to bios 711

- Removed ethernet-driver and installed it again



- Driver IRQ not less or equal

- IRQ not less or equal

- Bad pool header


Wrote one of 'm down completly:

Driver IRQ not less or equal

stop 0x00000001 (0xC0F4F4777B6 0x00000002 0x00000000 0xF477E0B1)

TCPIP.SYS Adress F477E0B1 base at F4775000 Datestamp 4294CC20


I tried the search and found somebody with the same problem. Only with a 250GB board. But everybody was telling him to buy a new PSU.


Before the bios-change I never got a BSOD with these settings.


Sorry, for the long story. I just wanted the be as clear as possible.


edit: I don't use the nvidia firewall or have it installed.

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Thanx Stowenrat, for the quick reply.


I think I figured it out. I also searched for my problem on nforcershq. There were a lot of people having similar problems with nforce driver 5.11. Especially with the ethernet driver. The BSOD's occur when:


- you try to disable your ethernet connection

- you try to remove ethernet from the devicemanager

- you try to uninstall the ethernet driver


Since you can't remove the faulty driver, I deleted nvnrm.sys from the system32 folder. Then rebooted. Now I could uninstall the ethernetdriver. After rebooting I installed the ethernetdriver from the 5.10 pack.


I think the problem started when I had to reinstall the ethernetdriver after the biosflash.


Well, so far so good. I'll post here if the problem still persists.

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I read somewhere (after answering your post) that 5.10 were the best but didn't make the connection sorry. I had a feeling you were right to blame the ethernet driver but also thought it could be corrupt windows tcpip.sys. I don't know enough to give your first post a 'proper' answer just enought to say what I would do.

Glad it seems better hope it stays that way, btw if you have sp2 you maight wanna patch with http://www.lvllord.de/ which changes your tcpip.sys to allow more connectons for p2p etc, since sp2 screwed it up for some reason.

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Glad it seems better hope it stays that way, btw if you have sp2 you maight wanna patch with http://www.lvllord.de/ which changes your tcpip.sys to allow more connectons for p2p etc, since sp2 screwed it up for some reason.


I actually have problems with my emule connection (disconnects internet after a while). I shall look into it. Thanx!

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Yeah, the only thing different between the 5.10 Officials and the 5.11 Officials is the network driver. And all I've heard about the 5.11 network driver is negative things. Uninstall network driver from Add/Remove control panel, use driver cleaner, then reinstall 5.10 network driver.


Or you could try the beta 6.53 Remix drivers. I'm using those now without a complaint, but I have a Wireless NIC, so I don't install the nvidia network drivers.

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OK, I removed the drivers with drivercleaner and replaced them with the 5.10's.


Now, I keep getting BSOD's, but not as often. While I was checking the bios after another bsod, I saw that the sensor of the chipsetfan was saying 0 rpm. So I checked the fan. It isn't running anymore (damn!)! :sad: Could this be the reason for the bsod's? They're still only occuring when downloading or during heavy internet use. Temps (MBM5) are also ok (around 40C).


The following message appeared (bsod):


win32k.sys BF806348 base at BF800000 Datestamp 43446a58

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This weekend lot's of weird . happened. Kept getting bsod's, so I decided to remove the ethernetmodem, disable the lanport in the bios and install my trusty old usb-modem. Thought I got rid of the problem.


Well... no, things got worse! After one day, after rebooting after another blue screen, bsod's happened right after I entered Windows. I got really fed up with this ., so I set the bios to "optimal settings". After rebooting I used "Boot-manager" (or whatever it's called) to select my windows-drive to boot from.


Sunday and monday: everything ran fine (ran emule, played Quake 4, ran Prime95 blend torture test for 18 hours straight with no errors and superpi 32m test). But this morning, after a defragment of my harddrives and restarting emule, I got another bsod (after 15 min.).


Last night I made 2 changes to my system:

- Changed the boot order of the harddrives.

- In the memory settings in the bios: changed from 2T to 1T. Can't imagine this is the problem, since it has been running stable for a while with 1T. So now all of a sudden it's unstable? Don't think so!

- Before I set the bios back to "optimal settings", I had disabled the lanport in the bios and removed the driver. After setting the "optimal settings" back, the bios enabled the lanport again. So when windows said "new hardware found" I installed the driver from the official 5.10 pack.


If it's the memory (1T/2T), shouldn't errors show up in memtest, Prime95 or SuperPi?

I'm think of trying the nforce remix 8.22 drivers. Could these possibly resolve my problem?

Any suggestions are very welcome!!!!

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Switching back to 2T seems to bring back stability. No idea what caused this! Well, new mem is on the way. :D Thinking of doing a clean Windows install, installing the nforce remix 8.22's and switching back to bios C19. Let me know if this is a bit to much...

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Do everything that you just said, install 824 or 711 format your harddisk, and reinstall windoze from scratch making sure to install SP2 before you connect to the internet.


Your version of windows has most likely been corrupted by Driver Cleaner. This is the very reason that in the 939 AGP Tweaks/Fixes you will find a link to a post made by me about this kinda thing happening.


I've been there Stef@n, I feel your pain.


Hope this helps,



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