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Ram issue Please Help

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Hey guys, I am only having one difficulty with my board, and I'm hoping it's small.


I have two stickes (paired) of Corsair XMS Ram, both 512. They are the XL series (2-2-2-5, stock).


First of all, I have run them in dual channel for a while, but when I run them in DC on this board, it gives me all kinds of blue screens, and trust me... I've got a PHD in these blue screens by now... :mad:. Mind you, the board makes you use slots 2&4 for dual channel, fine, not a problem, although it barely fits with my xp120.


When I use just one stick (DIMM 2 because it makes me). There is no problems, granted it is a little slow with half of my memory, but it runs great.


So I decide to take it one step further and run it in single channel, with both sticks (DIMM1&2). POST of course doesn't like this and says switch the slots but i just ignore it and go in.... NO PROBLEMS! It works just fine in single channel. It alters my timings to 2-3-2-5 2T, and also 333mhz. Everything according to RAM timings is set to AUTO, but why is it not letting me get full speed out of them? I also bumped up my voltage a little bit, because thats always helped performance.


So if anyone has any ideas why my board is throwing a fit with me using Dual Channel, your input would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks for your time!

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I'm assuming that you have ran the full suite of benchmarks and stress tests to confirm that your current BIOS and memory timings are correct? If you have, did you fail Prime95, MemTest, 3DMark01 etc?


If you haven't done the above I recommend the following procedure.


Install one stick of ram in top most orange slot on m/b

Visit the Stock Speed Database and Socket939 OCDB here at the Street and find cpu, memory similar to yours and borrow those BIOS and memory settings. The settings found in each of those threads are confirmed stable and can be used as a good starting point.


Make your BIOS changes, enable MemTest in BIOS and reboot. Let MemTest run at least five full loops tests #1 through #8. If all looks swell, run MemTest test #5 for a minimum of 50 loops.


If all looks swell, go ahead and boot into Windows. Run Prime95, torture test, blended for a minimum of 8 hours. If you have passed both of the above run 3DMark suite.


At this point, if all is well go ahead and throw your other stick of memory on the board in the other orange slot. Rerun all of the tests above and report results.


Good luck.

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i have 2x512 twinx 3200xl and cant set 2-2-2-5 1T. Only can 2-3-2-5 1T. I I have proven some bios and configs with this forum and ramguy forum, but dont work. Memtest detects erros on test 5 and 8, and windows xp dont work ... appears blue screen or reboot. Now i am using default settings 2-3-2-5 1T 2.6 :(. somebody has solution ?

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Please be kind enough to start your own thread about your problems, it's not cool to hijack someone else's thread and start throwing in your own issues. This thread belongs to Alex, so help him out or move on to your own thread.


Thank you.

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I have a question that maybe some one can help me understand. Why would any one want to run in single channel if they can run in dual channel??


Re-read what you just said, and then re-read (if you did read) what I sadi...


I am having a problem doing dual channel, because I can only run efficiently on single channel. This is why I came and asked for some help...


Thanks APOC for the Bios setting info - I'll get back when I can try that.

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