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NF-4X Infinity & BH-5 Compability

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Hello, this is my 1st post at DFI-Street, please forgive me if i did somthing wrong.


I just migrate to AMD system early of the months with the system shown in my signature. Unluckily i've did a mistake while getting my self a pair of ram. I forget to check the RAM compability for overclocking and i bought the BH-5 which is not recommended on my DFi NF-4X Infinity.


But, i manage to push the ram to 228MHz @ 1T & 233MHz @ 2T. My friend claim that my RAM should be able to handle 240MHz @ 1T. I've tried lots of setting but still I couldn't to achieve that speed.


So, i think it is something that BIOS can't do with BH-5. I've check the overclocking database for S754 and found out most overclocker using BH-5 and NF-4X doesn't go more than 225MHz. Anybody out there has Modded bios for this NF-4X Infinity to run the BH-5 at high speed? I've search through the forum still i couldn't found any modded bios for this motherboard.


anybody out there can help me? currently out of money to get myself new RAM...


thanx for reading,


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our motherboard only allows for 3.2v's max for the ram. BH-5 likes high voltages to get the most out of them. what voltage are you giving them now? as for a modded bios there isn't one. trust me i've checked long and hard with no luck. unless you know someone who's very good at doing this we're stuck with the factory bios's.

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our motherboard only allows for 3.2v's max for the ram. BH-5 likes high voltages to get the most out of them. what voltage are you giving them now? as for a modded bios there isn't one. trust me i've checked long and hard with no luck. unless you know someone who's very good at doing this we're stuck with the factory bios's.

i'm giving the RAM 3.2V. Your sure there isn't any modded bios for this motherboard? what a damn luck! By the way, i even loosen the timing to 2.5-4-4-5 at 3.2V, still getting error. i think the bios couldn't let the motherboard has enough voltage.

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Will the OCZ Booster work with the NF4X Infinity? If not, just sell the BH-5 and get something else.

my friend did same setting with mine and can pass memtest...

while mine can't past even though same setting...

i admit it is different motherboard but at least i know my ram is not max out at less than [email protected].

i dont think i want to get a ddr booster...

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the biggest problem in NF4X infinity is in the bios....my twinmos BH5 PC3500 cannot work in IT command even in 3.2v ....i don't understand why DFI didn't pay attention for a lot of problem in NF4x infinity....temp sensor, voltage sensor, stability and now compatibility....bad news!!!!

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my friend did same setting with mine and can pass memtest...

while mine can't past even though same setting...

i admit it is different motherboard but at least i know my ram is not max out at less than [email protected].

i dont think i want to get a ddr booster...


Who cares if you can't run 240 and can only run 228? There won't be a measurable performance difference with the Athlon 64 anyway. Think about it. Clock-for-clock, the difference between single-channel Socket 754 and dual-channel Socket 939 configs is ~ 5% and that's after DOUBLING the memory bandwidth. Do you really think losing 12 MHz of memory speed will make a difference?


But if you're really unhappy, sell the BH-5 and buy something else. I had 2 x 512 MB OCZ Value VX that ran 250 2-2-2-5-1T at 3.6V on my previous voltmodded mobo and a second set of 2 x 512 MB TCCD that was also very fast and I sold both sets to get the 2GB set in my sig. My new RAM runs at 212 max with 2-3-2-5-1T timings and the performance is fine. That's right. I went from 250 2-2-2-5-1T to 212 2-3-2-5-1T and I'm happy. I think you'll be fine with 228 2-2-2-5-1T.


You're simply not going to notice the difference in memory speeds with the Athlon 64. This is well documented all over the Web.


Good luck!

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