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msi kt600

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ok i have a msi kt600 delta in my wifes puter i have flashed to the latest bios and installed a new hard drive. the prob is i have no sound device no matter what i do ,i even put a sound blaster card in and still no device. i had this prob 1 time before but its been awhile so i cant member how to fix it lol any help would be great.


thnx, ink

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Not to point out the obvious but this is a DFI forum dude ;).


Still have you the correct drivers installed?

FOr the onboard sound have you enabled it in the bios?

Have you infact checked it is the correct bios flashed for your mobo?

IF the drivers are installed correctly and you have no probs in Device Manager then i would be checking the speaker system is wired up correctly, ie the correct ports at the back of the puter.

Hmmm thats about all i can think of just now....Hope you get it sussed dude :) Gluck

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yeah i know its a dfi forum and this msi will hopefully become a dfi like mine in the near future, but untill then i need help with it, and as awsome as the people have been here since i joined i thought id ask. also it gives the option for kt-other which i asume is for other makes if not then my bad lol. yes it has the right bios. yes it has the right drives. yes it is enabled in bios. it still says in the sound and audio properties that there is no audio device even when i install my sound blaster live or my audigy, with speakers or headphones that work with my dfi board.

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I think you may have a conflict or ghost devices.


Try this:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment]


;Show Phantom Devices



Make sure theres that extra line at the end.

Paste all that into a txt file, blank, the "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" being the 1st line.

Rename the txt as 1.reg or whatever, it needs the .reg extention.

Run it, reset, once you're back in windows, goto the device mgr...

Click on show hidden devices, which was there before btw, but now you'll see all the ghost devices.

If you got any grey out sound stuff, as long as it's hardware, not software, del it.

If you del software windows freaks out..., that's the only area of the dev mgr I can't remove ghost devices from(software wise).


Wht you're looking for is your old sound card and such, maybe even a midi port or game port, whatever you should know what I mean.


This should help you get rid of any ghost devceis and any conflicts.

A ghost device and either conflict, or it can fool windows to thinking that it's allready installed ;).


Good luck.

If need be, re-install windows ;), that could save you alot of time if the above does'nt work.

Not by installing over top of ither, I mean fresh install here.

Just bnackup what you need to backup if you don't have windows on it's own partition if you need to do that.




The space in "contro l" is'nt supposed to be there, I dn what it is with vbb on control in a reg like phrase :.

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If it says there is no device in the device manager then the device is not enabled and there is no driver installed. Device Manager has to see it to load drivers for it or even ask for it. Is there jumpers on the mobo that need enabled disabled etc for the audio device?

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well ive ran this board for about 1 1/2 years had this prob 1 other time but cant mem how to fix it i just put a new hd in so a fresh windows aswell, device manager shows it there and shows the audigy too when i try it, ive never messed with the jumpers on this board ether. i will try your suggestions and let you all know and thnx again, ink ps: i know it was a simple fix but took forever to figure it out the first time too lol

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If I remember correctly, Via boards have problems with PCI irq sharing with Soundblaster Live and Audigy boards. The fix I think is to manually assign

an IRQ to the sound card in your Bios......Had to do this with my Asus A7V and

MSI kt-3v.

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