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video card problems

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ok i had a water cooling kit in my system not to long ago. i upgrade it with bigger tubing new pump etc. my cpu block started to leak and it driped on my video card and im not sure but i think the water got in to the agp slot. i did get a new video card and got rid of the water cooling and when back to air. after i installed my new card started up Battlefield2 with video card setting on high and ingame settings on high. and with all the settings on high the game looks like crap and im runing a radeon x850 xt pe. also after a while of playing the screen goes blank and i here a beep form my speakers then the computer restarts. could it have messed up the slot or by puting the card in there it may have messed up the card to cuz i tryed it in a other computer i have and the game still looked like crap but no restart. im lost and not happy about this. :mad:

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Unless the water from the w/c left some residue that can be cleaned outta' of the agp slot.

(1500#+sandpaper be carefull!!)Then you could be right sumptin' cooked that caused sumptin' else to cook. But as far as bad quality goes,that could be any of about 80 diffrent settings. is yer' resolution in the game set high.(cause ultra high quality @640x480 still isn't very good to look at.) have you tried a diffrent card in your board. Maybe ya' got a bad new card. (That is very possible too)

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i game at 1280/1024 resolution with the settings on high with x850xt pe it should handle it no problem. tho it is a brand new card. i just got a rma form mwave.com today so im going to sent it back and hope to get a new one. if that dont work then i think ill have to pick up a new board cuz that sandpaper thing, i dont like the sound of that.

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