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Odd occurance


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Ok, I have this strange thing happening. I have been running 312x9 on 1.475 v, 166 divider, 3-4-4-10, rock solid, 18hrs Prime stable. Now, the part I can't make sense of: it runs without a hiccup for a week, but today when I boot up EQ2 or BF2, it crashes. I bump the volts up to 1.5v. Work perfectly again. Few hours later, crash. Bump up to 1.525 and so on till 1.55v. At this point instability (when I say instability, I mean it won't do the verify DMI pool data thing, just sits there for a few seconds then reboots) I'm really scratching my head. So, I go back to the BIOS change the setting 311x9 and 1.475 v again. And here I am at Windows :) Now, I havent tried a game yet so I don't know what will happen yet, I'll keep this updated. But can anyone make sense of this?

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I agree with esco. you are realy pussing that CPU and may have reached the max long befor the 312X9 . bumping up the Vcore may not be the answer you may have to take it down past the 311X9 you have and go to like 270X9 and start over . the instabilaty maybe due to heat and this is where the instabilaty is comming into afect . try taking it down and then playing a game and see what happens . may even be the memory controler on the CPU is maxed out and once you start to put the screws to it fails . prime and all them stress tests can't give the realy time stress that a game will give it .

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In my PC when the ram is set too tightly, it will also hang on the DMI pool screeen and reboot. Sounds like a memory issue to me. BF2 is also heavily memory dependant. Relax the ram slightly and see what happens.

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