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can and use AMD X2 3800+

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me again if i need a bios update ....i dont know if my cpu allow me to do the update or i wont be able to do nothing until i get i single core for update my bios ..?








ps sorry for my poor english but im french from canada and i understand better than i write ....so thhx for help

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I just built a system using the DFI Lanparty NF4 Ultra-D and a AMD Athlon 64 X2 CPU, I had the same questions before hand too...


1) Out of the box, the CPU and board will WORK together.

2) You should update the bios to the latest one on the DFI site (2005/06/23 as of TODAY) as soon as you can though. I updated mine after running Memtest86+, way before I even installed my hard-drives, to make sure my memory and CPU were doing OKAY.


But yeah, It will boot, and you'll be able to flash the bios with the X2 processor installed.


If you have any questions and need rather immediate answers you can IM me via AIM: MansfieldSenior

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Salut, oui cette motherboard la supporte les X2, la seule chose serait que le bios de la motherboard soi un vieu bios, si la motherboard que tu as acheter est un model plus encien qui vien avec les vieux bios qui ne supporte pas les X2. Tu va etre capable de POST-er pareille sauf quil faudrai que tu update le bios.la meilleur facon que je te suggere est daller downloader le CD que les gars sur ce board on fait, cest vraiment facile, plug and play.. tu met ton boot sequence pour quil boot sur le cd, tu tassure de choisire le bios qui correspond avec la motherboard. sur ce cd tu as la derniere version qui est le 704-2TBA. supporte mon 4400+ parfaitement.


si tu as des probleme ajoute moi a ton msn: [email protected]


cool bonne chance!

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When I installed my x2 3800 it would boot, but if you did anything that you needed to reboot, like made a bios change, it would never boot, and you would have to reset the bios jumper.


I downloaded the bios update on another computer then brought the disk over to the new one, flashed the bios and it fixed it.

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juste buy taht board and i prety sure i see on web site i can use my X2 but i dont c it on box can you help me plz ??

get tmods bios flash utility its cd bootable and use the 704-2bt bios and you will be good. If i were u i would flash prior to os installation :) (make sure to follow all steps in bios flash)

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When I installed my x2 3800 it would boot, but if you did anything that you needed to reboot, like made a bios change, it would never boot, and you would have to reset the bios jumper.


I downloaded the bios update on another computer then brought the disk over to the new one, flashed the bios and it fixed it.

I had the same exact problem..

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Hi LockheadQC, all 4 power connectors have to be fitted on the board, that is 1 24 pin, 1 4 pin, 1 x full size molex and 1 x floppy disk connector. The last one powers the CPU...


If you look in the stickies there are some useful diagrams of where the connectors are.

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thhx can you send me a link for the bios i need ... i read some one are tweak .....can you also give a STICKY for method to update my bios whit CD or floppy thx ... i done that only one time but is by windows and i think whit my X2 i cant whitout bios update

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thx for help but my cpu seen to work good whitout update ...... i wanna know if i better to format my HD because i simply plug my HD ...it was whit my asus A8n ...all seen to work good but ....


can you show me a forum thread about all bios setting there are few of them i never seen .... or they are called differently

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