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Question on NF4-D/Ultra-D to SLI-D...

Guest Dynamic_merged

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Guest Dynamic

I was just looking at a review from AnandTech regarding when the mod is done on the Ultra (not sure if the same would apply for NF4-D) but can you set both PCI-E to x8 instead of one being at 16x and the other at 2x when modded to sli? It wouldn't make any sense to me if you can't split both slots into 8x. BTW, i was looking at the Manual on-line for the Ultra-D and can't find where you can actually set this setting. Is it as simple as just switching the jumper that is located between the PCI-E slots? Now not sure why the scores on this is not on par, but the modded Ultra is slightly slower in SLI then a SLI-D, see look at this...


Performance: x16 vs. x16/x2 vs. x8/x8 (SLI)



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Guest Dynamic

I woke up this morning and was thinking about the question i asked yesterday that millions looked at, but only one person answered. I know it's not a hard question, but probably a dumb one. I never thought they could be a way where you can just have SLI in that sequence anyway, running one PCI-E at 16x and the other at 2x. I thought when you run SLI and change the jumper it would automatically change to 8x8 on each slot. Maybe that review was just comparing somehow, i don't know i don't have the board. Smoken Joe, what about the setting sequence for the PCI-E in the Bios, i thought i heard about? So all i have to do is change the jumpers and it will be 8x8 and just do the mod? Thank you for your time, and i'm very disappointed for everyone else that either thought this was a dumb question or so easy that you were just going to let someone else answer it. As some of you might know me from my previous threads and posts, i'm just doing a little research and don't have the board yet to play with. Once again thank you...

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