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Dont you think people is sometimes childish with their Winblows, or Cr

Guest shaolin95_merged

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Guest shaolin95


I am getting so tired of hearing the same childish comments....winblows, creative sucks, Bill is evil, etc etc etc. I mean, come on. I remember when people used to love Nvidia cause they were challenging the big guys...then they got bigger and became the new enemy...along came ati, same story. It happens all the time, some people needs to fight succesful companies for some reason, perhaps of jelousy...who knows. Do you agree?

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I do agree with you Shaolin. Business is just that and all about money. If noone is competing against you for that money I say that's one hell of way to do business.

I don't feel bad when I take business from my competitors.

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Personally I don't care for the 'childish' comments, it just shows a lack of maturity in both forums and games that pushs me away from it. However if the complaint is constructed well, reasons given (actual reasons), and possible alternatives then I don't have a problem..though I may not agree with it.

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Bill Gates was once quoted as saying that the most constructive criticism that the company got was the most dissatisfied customers.



I will never ever support anticompetitive business practices so i that is what gets you upset then you are being the childish one. A one company town leads to price gouging poor quality and it it goes too far economic slavery look at the old railroad towns for an example good wages but if you tried to buy from other than the company store you go beat up or killed the prices on the company store were 10 times higher than elsewhere you you went deeper and deeper in debt so you could never quit you were a slave in everything but name.


Competition is always good.Who knows if enough people are dissatisfied they will make a user friendly Linux or Creative will make the drivers that work readily available and I will reinstall my Audigy2. I know I am lazy but I am sick of looking for the proper drivers. Funny the stock Nadia ones work every time and I did not have to pay anyting extra. that the most constructive criticism that the company got was form the most dissatisfied customers.




You must admit it is very American to root for the underdog much like a one sided basketball game even the fans of the winning team don't like to see total domination.

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Guest Milkshake

Then theres the kids who say "macs are the best, windoze sux", when they have never even tried windows. Theres a kid in one of my programming classes that keeps saying that, yet when he gets on the pcs we have he has no idea what hes doing. I think its his lack of knowledge. Yet the guys who use linux and say pcs suck, some are just hackers and ya maybe linux is better for it but windows isnt that bad. Ill agree that some things could be better, but I like the interface, it runs nice, plays games. I personally use linux for my servers because its a lot more customizable.


I also agree with these posts, the guys who usually say this are imature and should atleast stand behind their acusations.

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1st off all they can't spell (or still think slang is cool, while it was sooo 90ties)

2nd of all, there like monkeys (Monkey see, monkey do....)


I don't spend any time on those hearsay sheeps.... so i think your absolutely right.

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Yes they are childish.


I also think people who use numbers or single letters in place of words are idiots and people who misspell words on purpose.


Ex. 'wat' 'go cap sum flagz' 'u r gay' 'y r u so gay?' 'I got 2 go to da bank' ect. ect.

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