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New board won't post unless CMOS is cleared

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Hello all! A new poster here but veteran snooper of this forum. I looked everywhere before posting here. I suspect I'll have to RA this board but maybe you all can help.


New build. All new parts except the Sony DVD and backup hd. The board will not POST at all unless I clear the CMOS. When I do all is swell. Normal reboots result in no action - just a black screen.


Installed latest BIOS, checked all hardware under various stress tests (just in case). Checked case leads (again, just in case). Ran BOINC SETI overnight and all is fine. Just won't reboot normally. Could it be a low battery or something stupid like that?


Anyone have an idea?? I'll say thanks in advance for your thoughts.


Regards, Jim

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after clearing cmos and booting up, go into Genie BIOS section and set


LDT/FSB Bus Frequency


to 4.0x


save * exit, then go back in and fool around with your bios as you normally do and see if it will allow reboots without clearing cmos


also I'll assume you are at stock speeds and not overclocked, and have found settings for your memory in the Stock Speed Database section...?

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after clearing cmos and booting up, go into Genie BIOS section and set


LDT/FSB Bus Frequency


to 4.0x


save * exit, then go back in and fool around with your bios as you normally do and see if it will allow reboots without clearing cmos

I'll give it a try. This seems peqliar to this board - true?


also I'll assume you are at stock speeds and not overclocked, and have found settings for your memory in the Stock Speed Database section...?
Not worth oc'ing yet as all settings would be wiped out the next time I needed to reboot. Memory is at SPD too.


Thanks very much for the quick response. It's appreciated!



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Nope - no joy. I tried some other setting changes in other reboots as well just to give them a try. Same behavior as before. Reboots result in a blank screen, clearing CMOS makes it all go but standard settings are for my grandma.


Any other ideas?


Jim "the Hopeful"

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Wondering if the "Asus X800XL 256Mmb PCI-E x16" could be the cause .

Try to change the pci-e frequency in bios to 102mhz .

Nope - no changes I make (though I tried) will stick since I can't reboot without a CMOS clear.


All 4 power connections made, memory tested in 3 other rigs under Memtest, psu swapped out in 1 other rig and works fine (multimeter confirms this).


I'm stumped. It always seems to be just one strange setting/connection that gets missed though I think I have read the paper and online manual 5 times through. I certainly could have missed something since I decided to give up being perfect a few years ago.


Any other ideas?



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Never hurts to throw a new battery in the m/b and see what happens. A relatively inexpensive test.


I'd try the following;


1. Install new m/b battery

2. Install one stick of RAM in the top most orange slot

3. Perform a full and proper CMOS clear as instructed here;


4. Reboot and load optimized defaults

5. Run with a single stick of memory until you have researched the Stock Speed database as well as the Socket939 Overclocking database.

6. Borrow some of the BIOS and memory timings from someone running CPU and memory similar to yours.

7. Confirm new settings are stable via MemTest, Prime95, 3DMark, Aquamark etc.


If all is good at this point, install your other stick of ram in the other orange slot.


P.S. If I understand your sig, you are running 2X1 gb of memory, once you install the other stick for dual channel operation, make darn sure you disable CPC.

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i had a similar issue last night when testing my new 2x1024 ocz pc 4000 EB PL

when i flashed 623-3 i could only boot with "insert" pressed ....reagrdless the settings in bios...so i flashed 704-bta and all worked fine

give it a try.....

u can find tmods cd at the bios factory


good luck

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