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Minor overclock


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I got a little bit of an overclock out of my X2 4200+. I followed the guide and got my CPU stable at 236 with 1.56v. My memory I gave up on after struggling to get them memtest stable above 230 with relaxed timings. I'm running at 215 on both right now. I'm going to keep it there for now until I get some different memory - I'm not very impressed with the OCZ sticks (SPD 2.5-3-2-5 supposed to be 2-3-2-5).


I have a question about temps. My CPU runs between 52-54 with double prime95 at 236 FSB. Is that high? I attached an image of my temps at 215 under load before I stopped prime95. One other thing, I haven't played around with MBM since I installed it, but I know the fan RPM's it reports are way off - there's no way any of the fans are running at 9k-10k rpms (Smartguardian seems more reasonable with the max under 3k).







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Temps can always be improved, however, don't always trust the sensors since they are not accurate. But, it will definitely give you an idea of how much it jumps between idle to one core, to two cores under load. I suggest you get better cooling for your cpu especially if you are running over 1.55v.


Have you tried putting a fan on your PWMIC mosfets as well as getting active cooling over your memory? You can probably get higher and make it more stable that way.

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