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Help with overclock


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Was running my system at stock, see sig below... I had the mob set to optimized defaults and everything was running smooth as silk. I decided to give overclocking a try and used the difinitive overclocking guide here on this forum. First trying to find the max of my CPU. As soon as I changed from the defaults to the recommended settings to try and find max CPU, the thing failed to load windows. I tried upping the VID a bit..to 1.4 and still nothing.


After 2 fails at windows, I decided to try and go back to load the optimized settings, but the PC still fails to boot into windows.


Do you think I damaged anything, or maybe just messed up my windows install and need to reinstall.


By the way, wouldnt boot into safe mode either.


Im a first time OC'er, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Clear Cmos, It is the single most important thing to learn on the DFI board. There are a few other tricks you will learn but that is a simple protocol that once learned and used works wonders to get you back into BIOS. Of course if you happen to select wrong settings, you get to do it again. Fun never ceases.


There are some memory adjustments that help stability. Learn them and use them while you are playing with the board. They will save hours of frustration.

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I have no problems getting back into the bios. The computer boots just fine. But when loading windows XP, the system reboots. Any other suggestions?


My real question is, should I just try and reinstall windows? Or is there something else I should look into first?


And also, is it possible I damaged anything while making my first attempt to overclock? I wouldn't think that possible, but just paranoid since this is my first time trying to overclock.

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