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spdif issues, no sound, or sound for ss

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Hi there,


I'm fighting with my NF4 Expert to output digital sound via spdif (Windows XP SP2).


I tried the Realtek drivers (3 of them including the very last one).

The jumper is correctly set on the mainboard to output via the Realtek.

I have no sound at all on my receiver !

But as soon as I send digital sound (ac3 for example), my receiver switches to digital mode but does not output anything, it does not even say it gets AC3 5.1.


I also tried installing the NForce Audio Drivers (latest).

I have sound on the spdif (the receiver now displays 5.1 channels and goes to digital mode), but it lasts for 1 second and then my receiver goes back to "analog" and no sound.

If I pause the movie and restart it, I get 1s of sound again... same if I seek.

The jumper is of course correctly set on the mainboard to output via the NVidia.


I really don't what to try anymore... so any help will be greatly appreciated !


Thx ! :)

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Guest thespin

I believe that you must either enable it in the bios or in the driver (the guy where you manipulate the channels), I forget which ...

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I installed the Realtek drivers over the NVidia Audio, then removed the Realtek (as the spdif was still greyed out) to check with the NVidia Audio if the spdif was greyed out, and it's not.

So I launched a movie... it works, it keeps the the digital signal...


Strange thing though, I have to turn on the receiver before launching the movie otherwise the receiver does not receive anything...


Anyway... it seems to work ok now... maybe installing the Realtek over the NVidia Audio (without uninstalling them before) did something...

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  • 2 months later...

Did you ever get this sorted..???


I am trying to use SPDIF, but only get 2 channels of audio... have tried the surround demo in the realtek software, but only fron left and right... everything it set to SPDIF digital output, and 6 channels...


|I have the Cambridge Soundworks 5.1 system, with an SPDIF coaxial input enabled... worked fine on my other pc

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