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Merry X-as to all U loonley ppl out there


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X-Mas can be a time of happines and joy or it can be a time of stress, distress and painful lonlyness


To all of you out there who know what Im talking about, remember it is just a few days to get over and you are not alone in your situation even if it feels as if everyone else is happy and cuddly.


Hang in there with the rest of us!



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none of you guys are alone, even though you may think you are, you have all of us. and if your heart aches for someone to love then be patent, the right one will come.


merry cristmas all, hope you get everything you asked for!


cmanns, dont be that way man, you may have a surprise in store, and keep in mind thats well over $1,000 worth of stuff you are asking for :eek:

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none of you guys are alone, even though you may think you are, you have all of us. and if your heart aches for someone to love then be patent, the right one will come.


Could'nt have said it better to be honest. Although, having had blue holiday seasons before, having a flesh and blood person there to share the season with you is always better.

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