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New Build, Won't Even Turn On

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I just built this new computer, finally got my case and was all excited to put it together. However, I cannot even get it to turn on, nevermind boot. As soon as I installed everything, and go to turn it on, the only thing happens is power is applied for a split second. All the fans spin for a split second then stop, and the led on the fans turn on then immediately off.


So I trouble shooted. The ram I am using is from another computer, it's 2x256 Twinmos BH5 (old Bh5 from when they first came out 3 or more years ago?). I tried them in the top three slots (my XP120 blocks the very first slot). Then I switched it out for some Mushkin value ram I had laying around, which I know to work. I understant that the mushkin is not the ideal ram, but this doesn't even turn on, forget about stability.


There are two LED's that I can see. One is right below the PCIx slot, above the first PCI slot. The other LED is right next to the ram slots. When I supply power, only the LED by the Video Card is lit. When I hit the power switch and everything turns on for a split second, then the LED by the memory slots lights up. THese two LED's stay on thereafter until I cut the power. And I did move the mobo out of the case and on to a cardboard box to make sure I wasn't shorting anything.


Any Ideas? Do these symptoms signify a CPU problem? I can't think of anything else except a bad board. Is there supposed to be more LED's on the Infinity boards?

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Try removing the ram the video card and the cmos battery then setting the jumper to clear. Leave it a few minutes and then put everything back and try again. If that doesnt work try fitting a PCI card of any type to the bottom PCI slot, Strange suggestion I know but it worked for me and others I know of.

Good luck


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Ok, I tried the above suggestions and none of them work. Frustrated, I ran out and purchased a new mobo, MSI neo4 since it is the only one that I could grab on xmas eve. same exact problem! Christ, that rules out a mobo problem then. The only thing left would be a dead cpu or dead PSU, of which I do not have any extra to test.


So I tried to turn on the PSU, using the wire to short out the ground and a black wire. Is it the same to turn on a PSU without a mobo as it is with a 20 pin PSU? Just short the green wire with any black one right?

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Did your power supply check out OK all by itself? What you are describing is a power supply shutting itself off to prevent damage.


- First, check the P/S by unplugging everything ( drives, mb, etc.) and then ground the PS-ON pin. Search for a diagram if unsure of location.


- If P/S is good, then pull MB out of case and connect only MB, ram and video. Then try to power it up.

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1. Make sure everything is plugged in correctly and the power supply switch is on.

2. Make sure all the hardware is seated properly.

3. Check for Beep Codes.

4. Disconnect all non-essential components.

5. Reset CMOS.

6. Check to see that there is a fan plugged into CPU Fan Header.

7. Test the “on” switch.

8. Make sure standoffs are not shorting out the motherboard.

9. Make sure the heatsink is contacting the core correctly.

10. Swap out parts and test for what is causing the problem.

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