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PROBLEM!!! HELP!!! Urgent!

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Hi, I'm in need of help badly. I'm building a computer, the one in my sig and im having instability problems. I can install windows xp sp1 with no problem except when i install the drivers for my video card (geforce4 fx5500), the latest ones, my system goes unstable. I've formatted and rinsed and repeated, still no luck. I've tried windows xp sp2 and it doesnt work. I've also tried past drivers! No luck. Once window loads for the first time it freezes. Ive tried safe mode and it works perfectly on both sp1 and sp2. So im thinking it's my video card but how can that be. I've tested on my old DFI system and it works perfectly. Is tehre an issue between my card and my DFI LP2 Ultra B? my bios is 11/27/2003.


Should i flash to that bios that you guys say is preferred, 6/16?? or something like that. If i should can you guys help me with the files and everything. I'm a complete noob on flashing.


So basically SP2=No good at all, SP1=boots into windows with those crappy default drivers and work but once i install "real" drivers the system becomes unstable.


What can i do? I need help!

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If the windows drivers work for you, might as well use them for the time being.


I have had some probs liek that too.

I dn if it's the newer drivers or not, but now since I seen your post I'm leaning the other way thinking it's not the drivers.


I've tried swapping agp drivers with no luclk too, fromt eh win2k3 sp1 default to the 5.11 drivers.

I have'nt tried any others yet though.


I've tried modding the living crap out of the driver to get it to run, does'nt work, at 1st I thaught it was an error on my part until I threw out all my mods in my driver and found it stilldoes'nt work.


I've had probs with a gf2mx400, and a tnt2 vanta.

They both won't install.

The vanta installs ok with m$'s drivers and works ok it seems.

While the gf2 goes completely nuts, showing me acsii char's on a black screen.


I have'nt found a solutoin for it as of yet, I only played arounf for a moment.

Why woudl I do this when I got a quadr4 900xgl and a 6600gt?

Because I make drivers and I want them all performing as best as possible.


In any case, get somethign that works for the board for the time being, ie a 6600gt works out well, I assume any gf6 variant works.

A gf4ti variant works.


Or use the m$ drivers for now, that card of yours is worth nothing anyways, no offence, so I don't think it would be a huge deal.

You can hopefully run videos and such with the m$ driver.




I've also tried turning off fastwrites from the bios.


I have yet to try installing it as a pci device, ie no agp drivers in say 2k pro, this will tell me if it's an agp driver issue or not.



Another edit:

I'll install 2k pro in a few hours.

I wanna run about the forum for a few mins 1st, then dl off a torrent for a few hours, ie tenchi ova stuff.

I will try it though and find if it's an agp driver isue or not.

If it is, then hopefully we'll beabvle to fix this by finding the correct driver to install, I have many chipset driver ver's, many beta's too, this hopefulyl won't be an issue for long, I hope...

I wanna make some newer driver code soon...

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Well, the thing is. Those windows drivers are like the default ones. It doesnt recognize my card as a geforce4 fx5500. Plus you know how when you surf the net and move up and down a page it lags! That is why im not gonna use those especially for gaming. -_- I dont think anyone would.



oh this is a budget system for me so i dont want to spend anythign else on my video card =/ i already maxed out.

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Yep, VGA. sigh... well im formatting and reinstalling once again with win2kpro. I don't want to use this os since its so outdated but if it works it'll just be temporarly. I still need to find a solution for either xp sp1 or xp sp2. If win2kpro don't work, i guess ill have to pop my old ati radeon 9000pro in there for a try. I've spent the whole yesterday and today (gonna pull another all nighter) just to try and get it to work. Still in need for a solution! =[

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I'm doing the same, installing my 2k pro vlm modified sp4.

I decided it's best to install now, because I forgot that once I install 2kpro, it screws over my bootup of my 2k3, so I'll have to install fresh my 2k3 after that to get everything back to normal.



I was gonna use 2k pro for farcry anyways so I suppose it's not a bad idea :).


In pci mode, there's gonna be some sped issues here and there, without install a gart driver(agp).

But it's better then using the ms driver, or the vga driver in any case.

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Oh, i was just wondering. Could it be a power issue whereas i have like 4 80mm fans connected to power supply sockets? Or is that totally off the subject? I might try disconnecting the fans for a try. 3 are LED 1 is normal. oh power supply is 400.

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Nah I dn think it is, as my 6600gt draws alot more power then any tnt or gf2mx would.

Same would go for the gf5 of yours, the fx5500.


Anyways I got some bad news, it's not the agp.

Win2k pro had the same probs with both of my older cards.


That sucked..., took me forever to get my 2k3 setup again.


Anyways, I'm back and I allready checked for stability, agp wise.

I got a gunky slot, someone spilled pop on it.

Anyways I dn think my issues with my other video cards have anythign to do with that, for the most part.


Also I noticed that using the tnt2 vanta partially corrupted my cmos...



Anyways maybe it's a timing issue ^^ ?

My old gf4 ti 4600 had a prob with the lower tREXT (alpha timing).

My quadro4 900xgl did not.

Nethier does my 6600gt.


I would think it's either tREXT, or tRTP, or tRTW (ie tR2P andtR2W in your BIOS).


Try 3-6-6 for these timings, they are in a row so they'll look that like.

I don't wanna fool with my stuff right now really, you got a clean rig ;) (ie no one spilled pop on yours).


Check those out and tell me if it works.

As is, it has nothing to do with agp I guess :.




As a crazy side note, not like you care.

I figuered out why my 2k pro is so fast, ie 2x faster in farcry, yes 2x the fps in farcry in 2k pro for me.


Because my main irq timer in 2k pro acts wierd.

I never seen the icon animation do that before though, the reason I saw it this time was because I used special timer stuff in windows.

I saw some icon animation go freaking fast, to fast for normal, made me think a bit.

Now I know why farcry is so fast in it, and why memory bandwith is lower.

A little mod to tREF before hitting windows will fix that lol.

Right now though I'm to lazy to fol with 2k pro or farcry for that matter.



One of these 2 has to be it, I don't have them in my 2k pro tweak files, that i ran from my 2k3 pro tweak file, I did it for the heck of it since I was'nt sure about my old tweaks, just to old.

I'm unsure which one of these did it though, but it has to be one of the 2 that would of did anything:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerThrottle]


;Disables Throttling A CPU Using Acpi



;System Timer Priority


;I'm not sure if this actually exists or not yet, it is'nt stored in ntoskrnl.exe for sure

;None the less mem bandwith is slightly up and video is very smooth, might just be me

;There is a way I can test it, I will later

;For now I'll set it up like I do for the Quantums, it's probably the same, if not whatever lol



The 2nd may not even exist so I dn, but then again it may, not all tweaks are stored in files like that anyways...

Was funny though to see the del animation run like that, was only breifly, it slowed it's self down autmaticly.

Also my hd shut down to fast, my 160 gig.

Maybe because I disabled disk perfomance counters I dn.


Ie my batch for that:






Anyways that was a wierd adventure lol...

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hmm, i have no idea what those t mag jigs mean. i get like random hangs like blue screens which say this file is blah blah nv4disp soemthing like that and sometimes it just freezes and sometimes black screens too. Any ideas?




oh sometimes when windows starts up i get that error message and it says my geforce4 fx5500 drivers or hardware is causing instability. :rolleyes: Tried drivers from 4x to 7x to 8x same thing happens. No luck on win2k thing.

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I get a bsod with my tnt2, but not of the nvdisp kind, and display corruption, big time witht he gf2mx, then a hard lock.


Alpha timings.

They are under the normal set of timings.


Look for tREXT, in the memory timings stuff.

Set it to 3.


Look for tR2P, set it up as 6.

Look for tR2W, set it up as 6.


I'm wondering if this will help out.

I have'nt tried it myself, like I said, to lazy to swap cards again right now ;).





I've seen that bios befor on Tmods cd.

Was missing memory timings....




Like I said, no luck here either on 2k in pci mode.

That's a wierd error with the display drivers though, causing instability...


I've also tried agp apeture settings, and like I said fastwrites.

I dn think it's agp.

Try the timings I listed above, they are bus timings.

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well i gotta do a complete install of windows xp to do those sigh.. i think i should let my cd drives rest for a while. been using them since yesterday evening nonstop till now.



ill try the timings when i get my windows xp loaded in again. oh strange thing is that if i install sp2 it wont even go into it. the first version of windows xp works everything loads up normal but drivers still a problem. sp1 same as reg xp.



i guess the next install i should do is pop in my ati radeon 9000pro and see what happens. At least ill know if other cards work or not i guess.

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