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Chipset Fan Mods


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I have seen plenty of people putting AS-5 on their chipset cooler, hoping to bring down the temps. How about everyone else? Anyone doing things like this....


This is very nice!!!!


That is insanely great...i must admit. Nice job to that guy.


Let's get this started up. Need a picture if possible, and materials used. Temperature differences would be great.

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You should considering doing my mod as seen in this thread. After performing this mod, the chipset temperature stays constant at 33-34 degrees. Load is 35 degrees. I haven't tried overclocking yet but I will post the temperature after I have done it. The chipset is now dead silent because of the Zalman vga cooler.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am currently using the Evercool VC-RE cooler on my chipset. It is an improvement over the stock cooler. Temps are ok, 38-40 degrees under load, but it's loud. ( I have then fan set to go to 100% at 38 degrees)


Graphite, the picture you posted looks like the stock Athon64 cooler, with the fins bent out. Since I switched to watercooling, I have the heatsink left over. So I am going to try out this mod. I hope to have results by Tuesday. I will post pics and temps, and what exactly I did.

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