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Looking for a good CoD2 team?


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Well since somebody made a thread about their clan I figure this would be alright.


I represent IceNine, we are an invite-level America's Army team that has recently picked up Call of Duty 2.


We are kind of short on CoD2 players right now so we are looking for some more. You don't have to be uber-leet because we are just starting out. However, you need to have all the basics like decent computer, headset, microphone, etc.


Also you need to be a respectable player and person. We are pretty competitive in America's Army but not as much in CoD2. Our team always respects other teams and players. We never mouth off to people, accuse of hacking, whine, or brag. :)


So if you would like to join a respectable team of friends that likes to have fun then please stop by and apply, all the info is in our forums. :cool:





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Ah, silly me, yes for PC not for 360 or ps3 or whatever.


Ace, we don't like to call it "clan" but "team", nitpicky I know, but our main Staff guy really doesn't like the term clan and doesn't think it's appropriate for a gaming team. :shake:


I don't know exactly what details you want.


Should play AA and or CoD2 actively, meaning you can devote some time to it.


Age is 18+ (There is a rare exception clause for that, if you are under 18 but can prove your high level of maturity then we will consider)


We have a 16 person America's Army server provided by Allfrag.


We have a 16 person Call of Duty 2 server sponsored by Holdouts.


We have a website www.teamicenine.com sponsored by ZenuTech.


We have an unlimited Ventrilo server sponsored by Holdouts.

The ventrilo ip is: ventrilo1.holdouts.com

the port is: 3816

No password

Feel free to come in and chat, even though most of us are on vacation right now, lol, including me, I have not access to a microphone right now.


We all use Xfire: www.xfire.com

Our Xfire names are in the forums in the "comms" forum


We also have an IRC channel, #i9 on irc.gamesurge.net


Our current competition status is as follows.



TWL NA 5v5 SnD League (haven't played a match yet)

TWL NA 5v5 SnD Ladder (haven't played a match yet)



CAL 4v4 Invite League



TWL Objective 6v6 Ladder

Rung #3: 7/2


TWL Objective 4v4 Ladder

Rung #4: 9/0


TWL 4v4 Invite League - Alpha Division

Rung #2: 4/1



That's all the info I can think of atm lol. :cool:

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Guest Dynamic

Call of Duty 2 is the best, i usually spend like 10-15hrs a week playing that game on PC. I haven't been on there for a week though since i f'd up my rig, so you'll have to wait until i get my system back up hopefully next week or so. I really shine with the kar, clutch shooter....Now you guys have your own VENT, server all the goods right? How many people in the clan as of now? Hope to hear from ya...

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Dynamic the info about servers and stuff is in the post above yours.


As far as people we currently have:


16 AA players

9 CoD2 players

2 Staff members


Total of 18



CMANNS, that wouldn't help you anyways. I have a friend that wanted to play with me but cannot afford the game so he downloaded a copy. But he can only play on "cracked" servers which are always full and very laggy. So if you download the game then you can't compete anyway.

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CMANNS, that wouldn't help you anyways. I have a friend that wanted to play with me but cannot afford the game so he downloaded a copy. But he can only play on "cracked" servers which are always full and very laggy. So if you download the game then you can't compete anyway.

hrmmm...maybe you didn't bother to READ THE RULES OF THIS FORUM either?

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