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sata II taking hours to format

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Hi i just added a western digital 250GB SATA II 16mb drive to my setup.


I formated the drive last night and when i woke up this morning its still at 60%. I was thinking of just canceling it but was scared that i would damage the disk by canceling it while it was formating. What do you think is wrong? i am formating thru computer management in the administrative tools:( thanks


oh the drive is pluged to sata4 on the board

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tried the quick format its formated but odd when testing with HDtach it errors half way thru the with atto the writes are so slow as in barely any red lines :( then i turned smart on it says gives an error mesage at bootup:( doesn this mean the drive is damaged? or could it be ive just had some mistakes at setting it up? do i need to turn anything on for sata2? What is spread spectrum? does this need to be on? thanks

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I'm not an expert or anything, but it does sound like the drive is damaged. I just installed a new SATA2 drive on a new system and it was recognized correctly without any bios changes. I formatted a nearly-250 gig partition and it took about an hour.

If S.M.A.R.T. is giving you errors on a new drive, that's a bad sign.

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I had the same issue with a WD 36gb raptor. During a windows install it took well over an hour to format a 10gb partition.


Couple days later it died all together.


Make sure s.m.a.r.t is turned on in the bios and turn off the splash screen on startup, so u can see, and see if smart says anything.

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