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Ram Questions???


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OCZ Gold Gamer eXtreme Edition 1GB (2 x 512MB)---

Can I use this memory on my system to replace my sticks of XMS corsair??? I trying to get to 2.4-5ghz and its seems my ram is holding me back... But before I dole out the green I want to know if itll run with my board...



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i dont think its the ram, what you have there is a desktop barton which are not good overclockers, i think your CPU is maxed.

run your cpu at 200Mhz FSB with a high multi instead and see if you clock any better, if not then its safe to say your cpu is maxed. what FSB are you maxed at now?

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I was under the impression that Ive got a fixed multi(no playing for me) and I also was looking to pick up a little memory bandwith which I should get from going up to 3500 right?? The only thing my machine cant do it prime 95 every other test in the world it does fine with and itll game 5 straight hours on far cry with everthing bumped up to the max....My multi is at 11 with my bus at 214mhz and my ram is 214 (1/1) with 2-3-2-6, memtest has gone 12+ hours and no errors so Im not worried about that...Is it worth it for me to grab the memory or just stay where I am...



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ahh crap, im so used to mobiles i forgot about desktops being locked...

with your voltage options for ram only going up to 2.9v (right?) i would suggest some TCCD based memory, BH-5 is good but requires a lot of voltage, voltage U400X-XX boards cant give. as i posted for terminal vertig, here is a good example of TCCD:


and his suggestion of a mobile would be something to think about as well, however some people with U400 boards have issues with them. i have value ran that will do at least 230Mhz, so i would assume your could go higher. but keep in mind that memtest stable isnt always windows stable.

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Hey CPDMF, what is the stepping and week of your 3200+? I have no problem cranking mine up to 2600Mhz @ 237fsb at about 1.85Vcore. Seems like you could do a little better than 218fsb unless you just got a bum core. Did you jump through all the hoops with the HALS and stuff? Stepping and week on my 3200+ is AQYHA-0413 and turned out to be tough enough to get me a Toaster.

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Sorry I hadnt gotten back to all the questions yet It seems that I can hit 218 but not 220 or above so I might be in the same boat as CPDMF so I can make the assumption that getting the 3500 ram will not help my situation at all?? As for the stability I know that memtest isnt a 100% as far as windows goes but I have no problems at all with my machine running at 214 but I want to know if I get the 3500 ram will I be able to hit that 218 and hold it as far as stability goes.... OCZ Gold Gamer eXtreme Edition 1GB (2 x 512MB) , (I dont know if this is tccd or bh-5 or bh-6) this is the ram Im looking at and Im not sure if itll have issues with my motherboard as OCZ site says not reccomeded with legacy nf2 boards?? It runs 214 with a super pi test and memtest no problems when I go up to 216+ memtest sees okay but super pi chokes on the 32m test I think thats my memory holding me back at thats with 2.9v to the memory and 1.750 to the chip..Is this not enough for either one??? The memroy is corsair xms(chips I dont know how to tell yet) and cpu-z is telling me its cmx512-3200c2 and the timings are 3-3-3-8 and yet Im running at 2-3-2-6 at 214 with 2.8v WTF??? I tried loosing up the timings but when I go up above 220 it wont even hit bios??


or Memory??

Oh and its running in dual channel!!

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What I'm trying to do is see if we can find out what type of RAM chips are on the sticks you have. You probably have heatspreaders on them..? So you're unable to read the part numbers of a RAM chip..? Anyway, if that's the case, then just take a look at your RAM sticks and write down the part/model number and revision of them and report that in here.


You may have decent enough memory already. Unsure on the RAM though, NMI (need more info). But since you do have a locked Barton Desktop CPU (at least from the looks of the info in your sig), you might be getting closer to topping out, and with what you've got for components and etc. A few tweaks or mods here and there might help, and might get you a bit higher..?


Your board could be a limiting factor also, but that might also depend on how aggressively you want to get into OCing, modding and different BIOSes. It sounds like 2.9v on RAM is possibly the max you'll get. Any RAM you'd look at getting ought to be able to give you what you're looking for within the voltage range you can supply, at least with out trying to hard mod the board; which there's not much info on that for those boards.


You could read through some of the threads Charlie has been posting in and see if there's some goodies in there for you. He's taken his board up pretty darn high in FSB, but I think he may have an A-XP Mobile CPU, and not a locked Barton like yours (?).

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Cool I think Im going to just pass up on the ram then as I do think its gonna do me much good...218fsb it is for me as well Ill just have to be happy with that and yep the memory does have spreaders on em and their xms-3200c2 thats whats reported be cpu-z....

thanks for all the help...


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