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everest vs ultimate?


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i noticed my read is ~6000Mb with the old everest home and around 7400MB with everest ultimate. question being are people using ultimate when they claim there benches just cause it indicates a larger value? or which one is more accurate?

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Are you using the newest ver's to compare with?

They were identical for me, the unreg'ed ultimate 2.5(I think it is, it's the last ver in any case), and the reg'ed ver.


Somewhat decent of a program, decent benches I think.

Some of the info is allright, it's a shame though that it does'nt actually tell you how to read the stuff back by yourself...

I wish a prog did that...


Also, the ata smart functions read back correctly when the sw ide(nv) driver is installed, you can't beat that ;).

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