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I need some advice on building a server


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I have been given the task of building a computer (server) for my cousins business.


here are some details...


he/we do art reproduction and printing. The files we use are tif's in the size of 3Gb.


We have just finished having a website built and we want to host it ourselves. I dont think, in the beginning there would be more than a few people on the site at one time, but we need them to be able to upload files to us. the files we would expect to be uploaded to us could be as large as 200Mb. So, with that in mind, can we do the hosting ourselves, with the business class setup we have with roadrunner?

Our upload speed is 384kb, and our download speed is 786kb's.


assuming we have the proper bandwidth to do what we need, can you experts out there guide me on a parts list of components for the build of a server.


I am open to either Intel or Amd. My experience in building has always been in gaming rigs. I am a complete n00b when it comes to servers, and the software required to run a server. So I am open to all suggestions.


tia as always.

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