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nF4+OCZ Gold

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Hello all


I'm having some big problems with nF4 Ultra-D + OCZ Gold


I've searched a lot the forums but could not find anything specific about it... tried other settings that were on some topics, but ain't worked.


Here's my problem:

Dual Channel don't work. It boots, loads windows, but if i try to play something, it gives me a bsod and a reboot...

But if i put the memory on the orange and yellow slots, it runs smoothly, but on single channel...


did memtest.. no errors.. all the power plugs connected... the board refuses to work on dual channel...


PS: Everything is running at default settings


Do you guys have any sugestions?

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I have a set of OCZ gold's that Ive been playing with and they work the best in the yellow slots 'for me'.. Like boatasiaus says they might need a bump of vdimm since they do use BH5 Utt chips.. Even bumping the vdimm to 2.8-2.9v would be very safe for these sticks..


Are you just loading defaults in bios ?

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yes, just loaded optimal defaults


will try the voltage bump, but, correct me if i'm wrong, if extra voltage is needed, why they work on single channel? or dual channel uses more power?


sorry about the questions, kind of noob w/ memory :P

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