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Opteron 170 max fsb?


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I haven't been successful in trying to get my fsb running at 280mhz irregardless of the CPU/FSB setting (9 or 10). Is there anything else besides cpu voltage that determines your max fsb speed at a given CPU/FSB ratio? I've noticed most people seem to get better FSB speeds with a lower CPU/FSB setting, but mine seems to max out around 270-275 even with CPU/FSB set to 9.



I've currently got my opty 170 running stable at 2650mhz with the following settings:

FSB 265



Dram ration 9/10


cpu 1.45v x 102.4%

chipset 1.62v

dram 2.66v


Ram settings:

CPC enable

Tcl 3

Trcd 4

Tras 8

Trp 4

Trc 7

Trfc 14

Trrd 2

Twr 2

Twtr 2

Trwt 3

Dram drive str 8

Dram data drive str 3



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Yes, I've read it. Could not have gotten as far as I did without it. For testing the FSB I had set mem div to 133, HTT multi to 3. Though, looking at my notes now I'm not positive that I experimented with raising cpu volts before I just jumped from cpu multi 9 to 10.


Anyway, what I want to know is if anything besides cpu voltage dictates max FSB speed at a given multi, like ram selection or ram timings for instance. Thanks.

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Guest thespin

The most important and effective item to maximize (re your system speed) is not the fsb per se but 'fsb x cpu multi' or cpu speed. This is what is affected by the cpu voltage and temp. If you are trying to get a high fsb in order to maximize your memory speed later, this is secondary since PC3200 speed is sufficient for the processors of today and higher memory speed has little effect on your application programs' performance ...

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