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Motherboard won't recognize memory

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I just boughts the parts for a brand new computer (as in my sig) and the computer will not boot if the DDR ram is in either of the 1,3, or 4 slots (it gets stuck on 3 leds) and the RAM fails memtest randomly (error appears in a different place). In the second slot I have about a 50/50 chance of booting, and a 1/4 chance of getting pas the DIP check. On the occasion I do get windows setup running it usally gives me an error with ntdlr missing in 64 bit windows and ntkrnlmp.exe can not be loaded, both of which occur right away. If I run that entire gambit sucessfully windows gets to where all install files have been coppied to disk and than dies with a 0x04 stop error.



Long story short, is there anything I am forgeting or is this mobo dead.



Status Update:


I took the entire shibang out of the case and ran memory tests, clear failures with the memtest app on sys rescue cd finding almost 120k errors... (Note this is the second stick of RAM I have tried, and it was confirmed working, at least before it went in the mobo).

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Your power supply, is it a 24pin one?

What are the specs on the sticker, eg.


+12v = 24a

+5v = 40a

+3.3v = 28a


Did you plug all 4 power connectors into the board?


Is the memory rated CL 3?

If you look at the memory chips what numbers/letters can you see?

Post all the details if you can.

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I have been entirely unable to locate the timings for the PNY memory so I emailed there tech support, hopefully I can find out soon.


It turns out the motherboard was dead, I took it too a friends and tested out with his parts (OCZ memory, etc) and it still failed.

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I hate to bump thread, especially with a double post but I have obtained the memory timings.

The chip is a 64x8 the timings are 8/3/3/3 The last 3 is the Cas latency value and it's 3. PC 3200 BTW.


Well I am now having success booting after replacing the motherboard and I want help trimings the timings etc in the BIOS so memtest stops throwing up error.



WEEE, new errors! Now when I reboot I have to clear the CMOS everytime or the thing gets stuck in a reboot loop. This means I can't install XP as you know, it requires reboots...

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