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Now there's been an earthquake in Louisiana. Just six miles from my Mom's hometown.


My Uncle that lives in French Settlement said it felt like a big truck going down the road except there was no big truck. lol




This link shows the location in relationship to Baton Rouge and New Orleans.


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Many people don't realize that one of the largest recorded earthquakes in US history didn't happen on the West Coast - it happened in the central US on the New Madrid fault in the early 1800's!

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Unlike Cat, I’ve only experienced one of any significance that I can remember. About a 3 or 4+ on the scale. I was in a steel beamed building. The beams were flexing and the noise was awesome. Although it didn’t last that long, it sure made me feel pretty weak while it lasted. I hope everyone is fine.

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The last big quake on the New Madrid fault caused the Mississippi river to change course in three states including Louisiana. Two of my favorite fishing spots are on oxbow lakes where the Mississippi used to make a big loop but after the quake the loops were cut off.


I lived in San Francisco for a while and actually got used to the smaller quakes. I was on the ground the morning after the Loma Prieta(World Series 1989) earthquake. For weeks afterward the ground at NAS Moffett would just rock and roll. If you were outside along the old flight line you could actually see the waves move along the ground.

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More info on the New Madrid earthquakes:



ExRoadie, I was living in San Jose at the time of the Loma Prieta quake, and worked in Mountain View right across the freeway from Moffett. The company I worked for was an electroplater - we had acid and cyanide combine to cause a cyanide gas emergency during the quake!


We were unable to resume operations for months due to aftershocks and the huge cleanup necessary, and eventually had to shut the plant down due to that earthquake!

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I remember reading stories about the number of plants that were shutdown for extended periods due to the aftershocks. We had problems with the Sea Shadow project I was working on so we were temporarily assigned to get the "Tango Solo" computer units back up and running.

More info on the New Madrid earthquakes:



ExRoadie, I was living in San Jose at the time of the Loma Prieta quake, and worked in Mountain View right across the freeway from Moffett. The company I worked for was an electroplater - we had acid and cyanide combine to cause a cyanide gas emergency during the quake!


We were unable to resume operations for months due to aftershocks and the huge cleanup necessary, and eventually had to shut the plant down due to that earthquake!

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Oh yeah! We had to shift all our production to our main plant here in Ct. - lost most of our customers due to excessive turn-around time and shipping!


Our building was interesting - it was built in the 70's by Fairchild supposedly to survive an A-bomb hit in the Bay Area, and had VERY deep basement, with holding tanks below that.


During our cleanups, the company who we hired couldn't pump the tanks dry. It turned out that high tide in the Bay was forcing ground water through the walls!


Being down in that basement during an aftershock was kinda hairy! Definitely a "big deal"!

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