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LAN problems (I know it sucks)

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Hi, folks


I know that we have A LOT of threads talking about this problem, but believe me, I've read almost all of them, and I still can't solve my problem.


I can't make my nVidia onboard LAN works. I've tried almost everything that I saw here and on Google. I tried to re-flash BIOS with two versions (last offical and beta). Set nVMAC to "00 00 00 00 00 00", or with the number in the sticker, or with another three numbers that I saw in the Internet. I've tried nVidia Driver 5.11 and 5.10 (clean installation), and nothing. Windows detects the Ethernet card right, but I can't connect or see my router. I never installed nVidia Firewall software. I've tried to do everything without OC (even OC is 100% rock solid; Prime and MemTest). I also tried too disable WakeOnLan option and other power managment options. I've also tried Linux and disable both SATA controllers. Nothing works. :(


My router is OK, because I can connect through USB cable. And lan cable and conector are OK, because I used with my old Abit NF7-S 2.0 only two weeks ago.


What can I do?


Sorry for my english.

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Try loading the drivers from the CD that came with your MB, version 5.03 I think. I would suggest dumping the nVidia firewall, seems to cause more problems than it is worth; try the free version of ZoneAlarm.


Rather than uninstalling the nVidia drivers via Windows I recommend using Driver Cleaner Pro; once that's accomplished install the drivers from the CD.


BTW, your English is fine.

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May I suggest trying different chipset drivers. I use the 6.53 Remix Beta's put together from a bunch of stand alone drivers for both nF3 and nF4 chipsets respectively. I've had great results with these drivers, and others seem impressed with them as well. They're available at Guru3D.com and just search for chipset drivers. Hope that helps you. As the above poster said, uninstall the chipset drivers from the Add/Remove programs list. Than run driver cleaner to get all the left over .dll's that weren't removed from windows installer. :) Goodluck.

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I used the Remix Drivers also and they worked great. here is the link if you havent already tried them. http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=1271


Also have you tried reseting your router back to default? if it has certain Mac or IP addresses programed for security then your new MAC address woud be denied. should be a reset switch on the back, But if you can get into your Routers setup from another PC then you need to raise the DHCP users by one to allow access from the NF3. I didnt use the nVMAC address setting mine is still disabled. And finally to check if the problem is your Ethernet try plugging your Cable modem directly to your PC and bypass the router altogether.

What kind of router is it? mine is a linksys but settings should be generally the same for most.

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I used the Remix Drivers also and they worked great. here is the link if you havent already tried them. http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=1271


Also have you tried reseting your router back to default? if it has certain Mac or IP addresses programed for security then your new MAC address woud be denied. should be a reset switch on the back, But if you can get into your Routers setup from another PC then you need to raise the DHCP users by one to allow access from the NF3. I didnt use the nVMAC address setting mine is still disabled. And finally to check if the problem is your Ethernet try plugging your Cable modem directly to your PC and bypass the router altogether.

What kind of router is it? mine is a linksys but settings should be generally the same for most.


Yes. I tried everything that you said. I think that I must try with another router (my modem is my router).

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