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Speakers > Mobo?

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Ok, so my friend plugged in speakers to my computer into my soundblaster x-fi sound card. He said that then the computer shut off, he tried to turn back on and nothing happened. I just tried it and it turned the fans on, I got 3 diagnostic lights and then I got no beep or anything, but the monitor was still in standby.


I took out soundcard, still wouldn't boot


can anyone help? :'(

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Um Wow? First off did you punch your friend? Second, Headsets for gaming :D heheh. Third. Try a CMOS reload, maybe it messed something up. Only other thing i could think of is it blew something, since it kind of sounds like a short circuit? Also your fans are connected to your PSU im assuming.... So maybe that's why.


First punch your friend if you havent..

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Lol. Well since your still here. You punch him yet? Anyway try a cmos reload. I don't really think that would help personally since this doesn't relate to BIOS. Oh and also. Check out your PSU rails with a multimeter. Maybe you got a bad PSU and the speakers just crashed it?

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Its in a post around here its a sticky in the Reccomendations Section. I think Or maybe the Modification section. Anyway, switch out the PSU to your friends comp, and then check the BIOS and read for the rails. Hell maybe it'll break his computer too if its a bad PSU. Then you'll be lucky :P

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his compy is a standard dell and theres no way he wuold let me do that anyways... I swear he breaks everything of mine no joke...


Ill look around for it, thanks (trying just to remove battery for a while for the cmos clear)

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Good thing is that your fans still run, so that means that some power is getting through to your system. That way, you don't have to jump your psu i guess... Most likely its a PSU problem, since im not seeing how this would be related to anything else. Anyone else have suggesitons? Btw do you play CZ or is czglory just soemthing strung together?

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Well I don't know what I can do, if noone else has any suggestions I will have to replace it : ' (

Last chance... don't like bumping like this but don't want to spend $200+++ without a decent shot at help.

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