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Network trouble

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Since, I bought this MB I have had issues with the network card. It took me hours of installing the drivers and moving the Cat5 between the two ports for it to recognize the router and start connecting to it. Since then it worked fine and I thought that was the end of it, but....


Last night, I was in the middle of a AoE3 game and it all of a sudden disconnected me. A notice in the game came up that I lost connection to the internet.


So I checked everything out, and it seemed fine, except I couldn't connect to the router or the internet.


So I tried rebooting the computer, the router and the cable modem. Still I couldn't connect to the router or the net. After about 40 minutes of working with it, I checked my laptop, and my laptop could and did connect to my router and the internet with no issues. I tried associating it to the network bridge, and even unassociating it...numerous times.


So I thought if I unplugged the computer, router, and modem over night to see if that helped. Still nothing.


The only other time I have had an issue with a part all of a sudden just plain out right stop working with this MB was with my DVD-burner. I was using that fine, but when it asked for Disk 3 of AoE3, it gave the initial read after I put the disk in, but it said that it wasn't the right disk. So I finally cancelled the install and checked with other disks, both burned and original. Nothing could get it to work, but the HWM said that it was fine. I tried to upgrade the firmware, but that didn't help either.


I finally changed my DVD-Burner to the one I am placing in my brothers computer and it worked fine from the start. Originally, I thought maybe it was the DVD-burner, but now with the network card saying everything is fine in the HWM, but it not working, I am thinking it is the MB.


Anyone have any suggestions?


Also, I haven't OCed it yet, so that shouldn't be an issue.

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You may consider using Driver Cleaner Pro to eradicate the drivers. Doesn't your MB have two NIC ports? If so, do you get the same results with both NICs? If not, do you happen to have a spare NIC that you can put in your rig to test? There are many factors involved in networking but I think you're on the right track especially since you were able to plug your laptop in and not have problems.


Do you assign IPs via DHCP or are they hard coded?


Some ppl have had problems with nVidia drivers v 5.11.


Would have to agree with dumping Active Armor; as an alternative try ZoneAlarm - the free version.


The ping utility is your one of your best friends in this issue.


Have you checked the event viewer to see if there is any useful information there?

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