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help with gskill pc4800 la ram and dfi expert


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right, i managed to get my gskill ram to be detected, i put computer on its side and put the ram back in, must have been a bad connection last time. can only get it to boot into windows with stock settings though. wont get past windows logo when using 220*10 @ 2-2-2-5 2.87v, cpu at 1.5v.


please help, im a newbie at overclocking. their any drive strengths or other settings i need to change to get it to work?


please help!

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that's a lot of voltage running through the CPU for only a slight overclock. that CPU should be able to do HT220 at stock voltage (1.35/1.4V).


the OC limits of your CPU and your memory are two different things. first, put your memory on a divider so it doesn't hinder your CPU as you try to find out how far your CPU can go. when you find that out, that is the time to slowly work your memory back to 1:1 with your CPU. if you can't get it stable 1:1 with your CPU, no problem. just leave it on whatever divider gets the best performance for you.

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With these modules, place your timings at 2.5-4-4-8 and OC the hell out of them :) . I have 2 gigs worth of those and they are great!


yep, do just as stated^^, you cant really expect such tight timings at 220 on those chips, but if you loosen them to the settings above you will hit 300 with your volts at 2.9. :nod: @ 2T

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