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CMOS Checksum Error

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Hey guys everytime I power down the system and switch off the PSU via the buttom on and then whenever I power on my system I get a bios checksum error and all data is lost and defaults are reloaded. I noticed that this doesnt happen or happens less when I power down system but down turn off the button on back of psu.


I am using the 12/07 Beta Bios. I have tried other versions but still same problem.


Is it possible the board was shipped with a bad battery?

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that is possible, but why power off from psu?

replace battery, that is the best way to start in trouble shooting that prob.

welcome to dfi street, and you will love that mobo!

nice lookin rig in your sig

good luck

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Don't forget you still have power on your board when you leave PSU switch on.


You are in "Soft Off" state. You can't clear CMOS properly that way.


I agree with icon57, you need a new battery and then Clear CMOS.


Yes, it could have shipped with bad battery. It costs less to buy a battery than to ship for RMA though.

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Don't forget you still have power on your board when you leave PSU switch on.


You are in "Soft Off" state. You can't clear CMOS properly that way.


I agree with icon57, you need a new battery and then Clear CMOS.


Yes, it could have shipped with bad battery. It costs less to buy a battery than to ship for RMA though.


Where can i get a cmos battery for the expert? Any links to the exact one I need?

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How can I replace the battery without causing any problems?


Turn the thing OFF. Remove A/c power cord from power supply. Remove and Replace battery. Wait 2 mins and hook up the power cord to the power supply and go.



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